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[英]C linker error with gcc and math.h

I am getting an error stating pythagorean.so: undefined symbol: cos . 我收到错误消息,指出pythagorean.so: undefined symbol: cos I am compiling with the math.h , stdlib.h , and stdio.h libraries and the -lm switch. 我正在使用math.hstdlib.hstdio.h库以及-lm开关进行编译。 Here a code snippet: 这里是一个代码片段:

static bool
law_of_cosine_run(esh_command* cmd)
    if (strcmp(cmd->argv[0], "lawofcosine") == 0) {
        printf("The length of the third side is: %f\n", 
        law_of_cosine(strtol(cmd->argv[1], NULL, 10), 
        strtol(cmd->argv[2], NULL, 10), strtol(cmd->argv[3], NULL, 10)));       
        return true;
    return false;

static double
law_of_cosine(double x, double y, double z)
    return sqrt((x * x) + (y * y) - (2 * x * y * cos(z)));

Does anyone know why this would occur? 有谁知道为什么会这样? pythagorean.c is my .c file. pythagorean.c是我的.c文件。

Thanks 谢谢


gcc *.c -lm

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