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我可以在不使用任何库的情况下(不用.net zip类)在c#中以编程方式创建zip文件(未压缩)吗?

[英]Can i create zip file (uncompressed) programatically in c# without using any library (without .net zip classes)

I was looking to understand the structure of the zip file and thinking of creating my own zip library which will be able to zip some files without any compression. 我一直想了解zip文件的结构,并想创建自己的zip库,该库将能够压缩某些文件而无需进行任何压缩。 Although there are couple of other libraries already exist in .net and third party also which can do that, but I am looking to do it by my own. 尽管.net和第三方中已经存在其他一些库,它们也可以做到这一点,但是我希望自己完成。

I started reading the structure of the zip document : 我开始阅读zip文档的结构:


Althought it explains me little bit about the zip structure but did anyone already tried to create zip file from the very scratch (ie from bit by bit) 尽管它向我解释了有关zip结构的一些信息,但是有没有人尝试过从头开始创建zip文件(即一点一点地创建)

Its not just a question but an open discussion on how to create a zip file bit by bit from your own code in c# (or in other similar language) 它不仅是一个问题,而且是一个公开讨论,内容涉及如何使用c#(或其他类似语言)从自己的代码中一点一点地创建一个zip文件。

There is a GZipStream class in System.IO.Compression that allows to zip streams using Gzip. System.IO.Compression中有一个GZipStream类,允许使用Gzip压缩流。 As far as I know this is the only class for compression in the BCL . 据我所知,这是BCL中唯一的压缩类。


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