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[英]How to Synchronize the DB from Index Using Elasticsearch

I have an use case where an Elasticsearch index and a MySQL Database should be remain synchronized and meet the following conditions. 我有一个用例,其中Elasticsearch索引和MySQL数据库应保持同步并满足以下条件。

1) Whenever I insert/update/delete in Elasticsearch index it should be synchronized with the Database(MySQL). 1)每当我在Elasticsearch索引中插入/更新/删除时,都应与数据库(MySQL)同步。

2) This synchronization should be done instantly. 2)此同步应立即完成。

3) For the Elasticsearch Index I am doing insert/update/delete at any time with any number of requests. 3)对于Elasticsearch Index,我可以随时对任意数量的请求进行插入/更新/删除。

How can I do this using Elasticsearch? 如何使用Elasticsearch做到这一点?

Thanks!! 谢谢!!

Check this out - Listener for ES 签出-ES的侦听器

So this is essentially a listener which gets invoked when the index gets updated / deleted . 因此,从本质上讲,这是一个在更新/删除索引时调用的侦听器。 So override the method postCreate ,postIndex and postDelete and accordingly update the MySQl DB 因此,覆盖方法postCreate,postIndex和postDelete并相应地更新MySQl DB

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