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[英]Perl Parsing Apache Log

I was trying to parse an apache log, but I am unable to figure out the exact regex for doing it 我试图解析apache日志,但是我无法找出执行此操作的确切正则表达式

use strict;
use warnings;

my $log_line =
' - - [14/Jul/2013:03:27:51 -0400] 
"GET /~hines/ringworld_config/lilo.conf HTTP/1.1" 304 - "-" 
"Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Exabot/3.0; +http://www.exabot.com/go/robot)';
#to find out IP address
print( $log_line =~ /(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})/ );
#to find out Timestamp
print( $log_line =~ /\[[\d]{2}\/.*\/[\d]{4}\:[\d]{2}\:[\d]{2}\]*/ );

#Third regex for getting the complete link here :/~hines/ringworld_config/lilo.conf

What am I doing wrong in second regex cause I keep getting only 1 in it? 我在第二个正则表达式中做错了什么,因为我只得到1个? How to create an regex for the third requirement? 如何为第三个需求创建一个正则表达式?

Finally I want to convert the Timestamp after retrieval to some values which I can compare and subtract . 最后,我想将检索后的时间戳转换为一些可以比较和减去的值。 Like the Timestamp to seconfs from epoch conversion. 像时间戳一样,从时代转换开始。

The second regex (timestamp) looks to be something like this: 第二个正则表达式(时间戳)看起来像这样:


expanded: 扩展:

m~\\[ \\d{2} / [^/]* / \\d{4} : \\d{2} : \\d{2} : \\d{2} \\s* - \\d+ \\]~x

with capture groups 与捕获组

m~\\[ (\\d{2}) / ([^/]*) / (\\d{4}) : (\\d{2}) : (\\d{2}) : (\\d{2}) \\s* - (\\d+) \\]~x

The third regeex (link) maybe something like this: 第三个regeex(链接)可能是这样的:

modified link regex 修改后的链接正则表达式

m/"GET\\s+([^"\\s]*)\\s*"/ where capture group 1 contains the link. m/"GET\\s+([^"\\s]*)\\s*"/ ,其中捕获组1包含链接。

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