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[英]Removing a specific node from a single linked list

I posted a question yesterday about an issue I was having overriding the toString() for this program, but now I have a different problem. 昨天我发布了一个有关该程序重写toString()的问题,但是现在我遇到了另一个问题。 The removeItem() method is supposed to remove the node with the given data value (in this case a String name). 应该使用removeItem()方法删除具有给定数据值(在这种情况下为字符串名称)的节点。 I'm getting a NullPointerException on line 64 and I can't seem to figure it out for whatever reason. 我在第64行上收到NullPointerException,无论出于什么原因,我似乎都无法弄清楚。 My code is below, and thanks in advance for any help. 我的代码在下面,在此先感谢您的帮助。

public class StudentRegistration<E>
    private static class Node<E> 

        /** The data value. */
        private E data;
        /** The link */
        private Node<E> next = null;

         * Construct a node with the given data value and link
         * @param data - The data value 
         * @param next - The link
        public Node(E data, Node<E> next) 
            this.data = data;
            this.next = next;

         * Construct a node with the given data value
         * @param data - The data value 
        public Node(E data) 
          this(data, null);

        public Node getNext()
          return next;

        public E getData()
          return data;

        public void setNext(Node append)
          next = append;
    /** A reference to the head of the list */
    private Node<E> head = null;
    /** The size of the list */
    private int size = 0;

    /** Helper methods */
    /** Remove the first occurance of element item.
    @param item the item to be removed
    @return true if item is found and removed; otherwise, return false.
  public void removeItem(E item)
    Node<E> position = head;
    Node<E> nextPosition1,

    while (position != null)
      if(position.getNext().getData() == item)         //NullPointerException
        nextPosition1 = position.getNext();
        nextPosition2 = nextPosition1.getNext();
        position = position.getNext();  

 /** Insert an item as the first item of the list.
   * @param item The item to be inserted
  public void addFirst(E item) 
      head = new Node<E>(item, head);

     * Remove the first node from the list
     * @returns The removed node's data or null if the list is empty
  public E removeFirst() 
      Node<E> temp = head;
      if (head != null) 
          head = head.next;
      if (temp != null) 
          return temp.data;
      } else 
          return null;
  /** Add a node to the end of the list
    *@param value The data for the new node
  public void addLast(E value)
    // location for new value
    Node<E> temp = new Node<E>(value,null);
    if (head != null)
      // pointer to possible tail
      Node<E> finger = head;
      while (finger.next != null)
        finger = finger.next;
    } else head = temp;

  public String toString()
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    Node<E> aux = this.head;
    boolean isFirst = true;
    while(aux != null)
        sb.append(", ");
      isFirst = false;
  return sb.append("]").toString();

Until you are practised in "visualizing" data structures in your head, a good way to understand what is going on is to get a piece of paper and draw a "boxes and pointers" diagram representing the nodes in your data structure (and the relevant fields) ... the local variables in your diagram. 除非您练习过“可视化”头脑中的数据结构,否则要了解情况的好方法是拿一张纸,并画一个“框和指针”图来表示数据结构中的节点(以及相关的字段)...图表中的局部变量。 Then "hand execute" using a pencil and eraser 1 . 然后使用铅笔和橡皮1进行“手动执行”。

Don't worry. 不用担心 Linked list insertion and deletion is notoriously tricky for beginners. 众所周知,链表的插入和删除对于初学者来说是棘手的。 (That's why it is commonly set as a class exercise in introductory Java and algorithms classes.) (这就是为什么在入门Java和算法类中通常将其设置为类练习的原因。)

1 - Note careful avoidance of International English faux-pas :-) 1-请注意避免使用国际英语faux-pas :-)

You have an exception when you reach the end and there is no next value. 到达终点时会有一个例外,没有下一个值。 You should be checking like this: 您应该像这样检查:

while (position.getNext() != null)

also use equals() instead of == operatoor: 还可以使用equals()代替==运算符:


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