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[英]Decimal to Binary conversion using recursion with while loop

my binary conversion doesn't work after it recurs a second time, it seems to work only during the first time through. 我的二进制转换在第二次再次出现后不起作用,它似乎仅在第一次使用时才起作用。 The purpose of the is have a user input a number to convert to Hex, Octal, and brinary from a integer and keep on asking and converting until the user inputs 0. Please help! 的目的是让用户输入一个数字,以将其从整数转换为十六进制,八进制和百分数,并继续询问和转换,直到用户输入0。请帮助!

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

long toBinary(int);

int main(void) {
    int number = 0;
    long bnum;   
    int zero = 0;

    while(number != zero) {
        puts("\nPlease enter a number you would like to convert to");
        puts("\nHexadecimal, octal, and binary: ");
        scanf("%d", &number);

        if(number != zero) {
            printf("\nThe Hexadecimal format is: %x", number);
            printf("\nThe Octal format is: %o", number);
            bnum = toBinary(number);
            printf("\nThe binary format is: %ld\n", bnum);
        else {
            puts("\nI'm sorry you have to enter a number greater than 0.\n");
            puts("\nOr have enter an invalid entry.");

    return 0;

long toBinary(int number) {
    static long bnum, remainder, factor = 1;
    int long two = 2;
    int ten = 10;

    if(number != 0) {
        remainder = number % two;
        bnum = bnum + remainder * factor;
        factor = factor * ten;
        toBinary(number / 2);
    return bnum;

You just need a function to convert an integer to its binary representation. 您只需要一个函数即可将整数转换为其二进制表示形式。

Assuming the int is 32 bits then this should work: 假设int是32位,那么这应该工作:

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    char str[33];
    str[32] = 0;
    int x = 13, loop;
    for (loop = 31; loop >= 0; --loop) {
       str[loop]  = (x & 1) ? '1' : '0';
       x = x >> 1;
    printf("As %s\n", str);
    return 0;

You can make this into a function, read x etc... 您可以将其变成函数,读取x等...


For octal/hex - printf will do this for you 对于八进制/十六进制printf将为您完成此操作


Here goes recursively 这里递归

#include <stdio.h>

void PrintBinary(int n, int x) {
   if (n > 0) {
      PrintBinary(n - 1, x >> 1);
   printf("%c",(x & 1) ? '1' : '0');

int main()
   return 0;

First of all I am surprised it even works once. 首先,我感到惊讶的是,它甚至一次可以工作。 Firstly, your while condition is while number does not equal zero. 首先,您的while条件是while号不等于零。 But right off the bat, number equals 0 and zero equals 0. Therefore the while should never run. 但是,立即开始,数字等于0,零等于0。因此,while应该永远不会运行。 If you want to keep this condition for the main loop, change it to a do-while loop: do { //code } while (number != zero); 如果要在主循环中保留此条件,请将其更改为do-while循环: do {// code} while(number!= 0); . This will run the code at least once, then check if the inputted number doesn't equal zero. 这将至少运行一次代码,然后检查输入的数字是否不等于零。 That brings me to the next issue; 那把我带到下一个问题。 your scanf for number is scanning for a double and placing it in a regular integer memory spot. 您的scanf for number正在扫描一个double,并将其放置在常规整数存储位置中。 Quick fix: scanf("%i",&number); 快速修复: scanf(“%i”,&number); . Also I am finding some functions called puts.. I find it best to keep with one printing function, printf. 我也发现了一些称为puts的函数。我发现最好保留一个打印函数printf。 Now, I am finding afew errors in your toBinary function, but if it works than I guess it works. 现在,我在您的toBinary函数中发现了一些错误,但是如果它能正常工作,我想它会起作用。 These are all the errors i could find, I hope this helped. 这些都是我能找到的错误,希望对您有所帮助。 But for future reference there is no need to declare a variable for a const number like 2 or 10 at this level. 但是,为了将来参考,在此级别无需声明像2或10这样的const数字的变量。

#include <stdint.h>

char* toBinary(int32_t number, int index){
    static char bin[32+1] = {0}, *ret;
    if(index == 32){
        memset(bin, '0', 32);
        return toBinary(number, 31);
    } else if(number & (1<<index))
        bin[31-index] = '1';

        (void)toBinary(number, index-1);
        for(ret = bin; *ret == '0';++ret);

    return ret;

int number = -1;
printf("\nThe binary format is: %s\n", toBinary(number, 32));

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