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- [NSInputStream read:maxLength:]抛出一个异常,说长度太大,但事实并非如此

[英]-[NSInputStream read:maxLength:] throws an exception saying length is too big, but it isn't

I use an NSInputStream to read data from a file. 我使用NSInputStream从文件中读取数据。 It will crash if maxLength is greater than 49152. 如果maxLength大于49152,它将崩溃。

When it crashes -- sometimes, but not every time, it gives this message: 当它崩溃时 - 有时候,但不是每次都崩溃,它会给出这样的信息:

*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '*** -[NSConcreteData initWithBytes:length:copy:freeWhenDone:bytesAreVM:]: absurd length: 4294967295, maximum size: 2147483648 bytes' ***由于未捕获的异常'NSInvalidArgumentException'终止应用程序,原因:'*** - [NSConcreteData initWithBytes:length:copy:freeWhenDone:bytesAreVM:]:荒谬长度:4294967295,最大大小:2147483648字节'

From my calculation, 524288 is still less than that maximum, and can fit in the return value. 根据我的计算,524288仍然小于该最大值,并且可以适合返回值。 What did I miss? 我错过了什么?

- (void)stream:(NSStream *)aStream handleEvent:(NSStreamEvent)eventCode
    switch (eventCode)
        case NSStreamEventHasBytesAvailable:
            NSInteger bufferSizeNumber = 524288;   //this one will crash.
//            NSInteger bufferSizeNumber = 491520;  // this one will work.

            uint8_t buf[bufferSizeNumber];
            unsigned int len = 0;

            len = [_stream read:buf maxLength:bufferSizeNumber];   //crashing at this line

            // more code ...

        // more  code...

Edit: (I think this is critical part of that behavior) 编辑:(我认为这是该行为的关键部分)

If I "start" in the background thread then the bufferSizeNumber behaves as described above. 如果我在后台线程中“启动”,则bufferSizeNumber的行为如上所述。 But if I "start" in the main thread, the bufferSizeNumber can go upto 943713 before it crashes. 但是如果我在主线程中“启动”,则bufferSizeNumber在崩溃之前可以达到943713。

- (void)start
    _stream.delegate = self;
    [_stream scheduleInRunLoop:[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop]
    [_stream open];
    [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] run];

Your problem is a so called "stack overflow" (you might have heard this before). 你的问题是所谓的“堆栈溢出”(你可能以前听过这个)。

Your method allocates a buffer on the stack using a variable length array: 您的方法使用可变长度数组在堆栈上分配缓冲区:

uint8_t buf[bufferSizeNumber];

When the size of the buffer is so large that it overflows the size of the current stack the behavior is undefined. 当缓冲区的大小太大以至于溢出当前堆栈的大小时,行为是不确定的。 Undefined behavior might result in a crash or just work as expected: just what you are observing. 未定义的行为可能会导致崩溃或只是按预期工作:只是您正在观察的内容。

512kB is a huge buffer, especially on iOS where background threads get a stack of exactly this size. 512kB是一个巨大的缓冲区,特别是在iOS上,后台线程的堆栈大小正是这样。

You should allocate it on the heap: 你应该在堆上分配它:

NSInteger bufferSizeNumber = 524288;
NSMutableData *myBuffer = [NSMutableData dataWithLength:bufferSizeNumber];

uint8_t *buf = [myBuffer mutableBytes];
unsigned int len = 0;

len = [_stream read:buf maxLength:bufferSizeNumber];
// more code ...

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