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[英]haskell defining new type

This might be a stupid question, but I have spent four hours to finger out what the problem is before I posted this. 这可能是一个愚蠢的问题,但是在发布此问题之前,我花了四个小时来指出问题所在。

data Film = Film {title :: String
                ,name :: String
                ,year :: Int}
    deriving (Show)
testDatabase :: [Film]
 testDatabase = [ ("Blade Runner", "Ridley Scott",1982)]
 --(i) Add new film to the database
addFilm :: String -> String -> Int -> [Film] -> [Film]
 addFilm title director year film = film + Film title director year 

 --(ii) Give all film in the database
getFilm :: [Film]
getFilm =  testDatabase

What I want to do is to define a new type name Film which contains: film title, film director and year of making. 我想要做的是定义一个新的类型名称Film包含:电影片名,电影导演和制作一年的。
Testdatabase is for storing the data. Testdatabase用于存储数据。
addFilm is a function for adding more films to the database. addFilm是用于向数据库中添加更多影片的功能。
getfilm is for printing out list of films. getfilm用于打印电影列表。

This is what the error looks like. 这就是错误的样子。

Couldn't match expected type `Film'
            with actual type `([Char], [Char], Integer)'
In the expression: ("Blade Runner", "Ridley Scott", 1982)
In the expression: [("Blade Runner", "Ridley Scott", 1982)]
In an equation for `testDatabase':
    testDatabase = [("Blade Runner", "Ridley Scott", 1982)]

Couldn't match expected type `[Film]' with actual type `Film'
In the return type of a call of `Film'
In the second argument of `(+)', namely `Film title director year'
In the expression: film + Film title director year
Failed, modules loaded: none.

Thanks!! 谢谢!!

Your type 您的类型

data Film = Film {title :: String
                ,name :: String
                ,year :: Int}

is equivalent to the tuple type (String,String,Int) , but not the same as it. 等效于元组类型(String,String,Int) ,但与它不同。

("Blade Runner", "Ridley Scott",1982) :: (String,String,Int)

but you want 但是你想要

Film {title = "Blade Runner", name="Ridley Scott",year=1982} :: Film

You wrote 你写了

addFilm :: String -> String -> Int -> [Film] -> [Film]
 addFilm title director year film = film + Film title director year

but + only works on numbers, not lists, and we put new things in lists using : , so '!':"Hello" gives "!Hello" , so you need 但是+仅适用于数字,不适用于列表,我们使用:将新事物添加到列表中,因此'!':"Hello"给出"!Hello" ,因此您需要

addFilm :: String -> String -> Int -> [Film] -> [Film]
addFilm title director year films  
    = Film {title=title,name=director,year=year}:films

(You should line up the function body with its type declaration, but it's OK to start a new line part way through as long as it's indented.) (您应该将函数主体与其类型声明对齐,但是也可以在缩进的部分开始新的一行。)

You need to use the Film constructor: [Film "Blade Runner" "Ridley Scott" 1982] . 您需要使用Film构造函数: [Film "Blade Runner" "Ridley Scott" 1982] Also, I think you want : instead of + . 另外,我认为您想要:而不是+ The arguments to : will need to be swapped from what they are currently, as well. 到的参数:将需要从交换它们是什么目前,还有。

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