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[英]How to get the class name of a dropped item with JavaScript?

I have few containers and few items. 我的容器很少,物品很少。 I want to drag an item into a container and get the class name of the dropped item. 我想将项目拖到容器中并获取已删除项目的类名称。

Getting a class name is very easy .className but is not working 获取类名非常容易.className但不起作用

This is some code that I am working with (the places[i] is part of a loop so I did not include the entire code for the sake of clarification): 这是我正在使用的一些代码( places[i]是循环的一部分,所以为了澄清,我没有包含整个代码):

places[i].addEventListener('drop', function(e){
  console.log(this.childNodes[0].className  );

This does not work, the error is "Cannot read property 'className' ". 这不起作用,错误是“无法读取属性'className'”。 I tried just this.childNodes and I get: 我试过这个this.childNodes ,我得到:

[item: function]
  0: div.coins.blue
    className: "coins blue"

I did try this.childNodes['item'] logged function item() { [native code] } . 我确实尝试过this.childNodes['item']记录的function item() { [native code] } Don't know where to go from here 不知道从哪里开始

here is a the basic code http://jsbin.com/wadavuci/1/edit?js,console,output 这是一个基本代码http://jsbin.com/wadavuci/1/edit?js,console,output

Thanks 谢谢

When using drag-and-drop you must set manually set the data to transfer in the dragstart event. 使用拖放时,必须手动设置要在dragstart事件中传输的数据。 The data is set using the setData() member of the dataTransfer object of the event: 使用事件的dataTransfer对象的setData()成员设置数据:

for (var i=0; i<coins.length; i++) {
    coins[i].addEventListener('dragstart', function(e){
        e.dataTransfer.setData("text/plain", this.className);

Similarly, you must read the transferred data in the drop event: 同样,您必须在drop事件中读取传输的数据:

for (var i=0; i<places.length; i++) {   
    places[i].addEventListener('drop', function(e){
    /* ... */

The Native HTML5 Drag and Drop article on http://www.html5rocks.com/ provides a nice walk through of how to handle drag-and-drop. http://www.html5rocks.com/上的Native HTML5 Drag and Drop文章提供了如何处理拖放的精彩步骤。

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