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Sencha touch:在Windows 7中使用CMD创建我的第一个应用程序时遇到的问题

[英]Sencha touch: Issues with creating my first application using the CMD in windows 7

I read a good-for-a-start post . 我读了一篇入门文章

Then according to the author of the above post, I decided to get the requirements for Sencha mobile development: Sencha touch 2.1.1 GPL/commercial download, the SenchaCMD v4.0.2.67 which I have installed. 然后,根据以上文章的作者,我决定获得Sencha移动开发的要求:Sencha touch 2.1.1 GPL /商业下载,已安装的SenchaCMD v4.0.2.67。

I have copied the Sencha touch-2.1.1 to the htdocs folder inside the xampp folder. 我已经将Sencha touch-2.1.1复制到xampp文件夹内的htdocs文件夹中。 So in other words, I don't need the SDK or anything else for now. 换句话说,我现在不需要SDK或其他任何东西。 I have also updated the PATH variable. 我还更新了PATH变量。

When I type this command: sencha generate app Helloworlds ..\\Helloworlds , I get this output with errors: 当我输入以下命令: sencha generate app Helloworlds ..\\Helloworlds ,出现以下错误:

C:\xampp\htdocs\senchaTouch> sencha generate app MyApp1 ../MyApp1

Sencha Cmd v4.0.2.67

[ERR] Unable to locate 'framework.dir' property from sencha.cfg

[ERR] Please ensure this command was executed from a valid framework directory

[ERR] Non-framework directory

So what should I do about this framework issue? 那么,该框架问题我该怎么办? And where is this framework.dir ? 这个framework.dir在哪里?

I tried to add the path of the installed SenchaCMD on it but this is what happened: 我试图在其上添加已安装的SenchaCMD的路径,但这是发生的情况:

C:\xampp\htdocs\senchaTouch>sencha generate app Helloworld2 ..\C:\Users\Adrian\b

I obtain this output: 我得到以下输出:

Sencha Cmd v4.0.2.67
[ERR] The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect

I am confused. 我很困惑。 Where is the problem exactly? 问题到底在哪里?

May be its late. 可能已经晚了。 But Here is the link which provides step by step tutorial for developing your first Sencha Touch application and deploy it to Android. 但是,这里的链接提供了逐步教程,用于开发您的第一个Sencha Touch应用程序并将其部署到Android。

mobiletechtutorials.blogspot.in mobiletechtutorials.blogspot.in

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