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[英]Access TDictionary item

I am testing the TDictionary using the embarcadero sample ( http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/CodeExamples/XE5/en/Generics_Collections_TDictionary_%28Delphi%29 ) 我正在使用embarcadero示例测试TDictionary( http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/CodeExamples/XE5/en/Generics_Collections_TDictionary_%28Delphi%29

No problem for creating and adding key and value. 创建和添加键和值没有问题。 However, when I try to access the table using key value 'London': 但是,当我尝试使用键值“伦敦”访问表时:

(1) Dictionary.Items['London'].Country -> gives the correct value "Dictionary.Items['London'].Country' (1)Dictionary.Items ['London']。Country->给出正确的值“ Dictionary.Items ['London']。Country'

(2) input 'London' in Edit1.Text, then Dictionary.Items[Edit1.Text].Country -> gives error "the item not found'? (2)在Edit1.Text中输入“伦敦”,然后在Dictionary.Items [Edit1.Text] .Country->中给出错误“找不到该项目”?

Could someone explain this? 有人可以解释一下吗?

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

//////////////////////////////////// /// sample code //////////////////////////////////////示例代码

var Dictionary: TDictionary<String, TCity>;
    City, Value: TCity;
    Key: String;

  Dictionary := TDictionary<String, TCity>.Create;
  City := TCity.Create;
  { Add some key-value pairs to the dictionary. }
  City.Country := 'Romania';
  City.Latitude := 47.16;
  City.Longitude := 27.58;
  Dictionary.Add('Iasi', City);

  City := TCity.Create;
  City.Country := 'United Kingdom';
  City.Latitude := 51.5;
  City.Longitude := -0.17;
  Dictionary.Add('London', City);

  City := TCity.Create;
  City.Country := 'Argentina';
  { Notice the wrong coordinates }
  City.Latitude := 0;
  City.Longitude := 0;
  Dictionary.Add('Buenos Aires', City);

  showmessage(Dictionary.Items['London'].Country); // This One is OK

  // now using Edit1.Text where I put 'London'
  Showmessage(Dictionary.Items[Edit1.Text].Country); // This return to error message (Item not found)



The explanation is that, contrary to what you claim, Edit1.Text does not equal 'London' . 解释是,与您声称的相反, Edit1.Text不等于'London' Perhaps the letter case does not match. 也许字母大小写不匹配。 Or there is leading or trailing whitespace. 或者存在前导或尾随空格。

Add an assertion to verify that I am correct: 添加一个断言以验证我是正确的:


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