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Python服务器cgi.FieldStorage解析multipart / form-data

[英]Python server cgi.FieldStorage parsing multipart/form-data

so I have been writing a simple web server in Python, and right now I'm trying to handle multipart/form-data POST requests. 所以我一直在用Python编写一个简单的Web服务器,现在我正在尝试处理多部分/表单数据POST请求。 I can already handle application/x-www-form-urlencoded POST requests, but the same code won't work for the multipart. 我已经可以处理application / x-www-form-urlencoded POST请求,但是相同的代码不适用于多部分。 If it looks like I am misunderstanding anything, please call me out, even if it's something minor. 如果看起来我有什么误会,即使有什么小事,也请叫我出来。 Also if you guys have any advice on making my code better please let me know as well :) Thanks! 另外,如果你们对改善我的代码有任何建议,请也告诉我:)谢谢!

When the request comes in, I first parse it, and split it into a dictionary of headers and a string for the body of the request. 当请求进入时,我首先对其进行解析,然后将其拆分为标题的字典和用于请求正文的字符串。 I use those to then construct a FieldStorage form, which I can then treat like a dictionary to pull the data out: 我使用它们来构造一个FieldStorage表单,然后可以将其视为字典来提取数据:

requestInfo = ''
while requestInfo[-4:] != '\r\n\r\n':
    requestInfo += conn.recv(1)

requestSplit = requestInfo.split('\r\n')[0].split(' ')
requestType = requestSplit[0]

url = urlparse.urlparse(requestSplit[1])
path = url[2] # Grab Path

if requestType == "POST":
    headers, body = parse_post(conn, requestInfo)

    print "!!!Request!!! " + requestInfo
    print "!!!Body!!! " + body 
    form = cgi.FieldStorage(headers = headers, fp = StringIO(body), environ = {'REQUEST_METHOD':'POST'}, keep_blank_values=1)

Here's my parse_post method: 这是我的parse_post方法:

def parse_post(conn, headers_string):
    headers = {}
    headers_list = headers_string.split('\r\n')

    for i in range(1,len(headers_list)-2):
        header = headers_list[i].split(': ', 1)
        headers[header[0]] = header[1]

    content_length = int(headers['Content-Length'])

    content = conn.recv(content_length)

    # Parse Content differently if it's a multipart request??

    return headers, content

So for an x-www-form-urlencoded POST request, I can treat FieldStorage form like a dictionary, and if I call, for example: 因此,对于x-www-form-urlencoded POST请求,我可以将FieldStorage形式像字典一样对待,如果调用,例如:

firstname = args['firstname'].value
print firstname

It will work. 它会工作。 However, if I instead send a multipart POST request, it ends up printing nothing. 但是,如果我改为发送多部分POST请求,则最终不打印任何内容。

This is the body of the x-www-form-urlencoded request: firstname=TEST&lastname=rwar 这是x-www-form-urlencoded请求的正文:firstname = TEST&lastname = rwar

This is the body of the multipart request: --070f6a3146974d399d97c85dcf93ed44 Content-Disposition: form-data; 这是多部分请求的主体:--070f6a3146974d399d97c85dcf93ed44 Content-Disposition:form-data; name="lastname"; NAME = “姓氏”; filename="lastname" 文件名=“姓氏”

rwar --070f6a3146974d399d97c85dcf93ed44 Content-Disposition: form-data; rwar --070f6a3146974d399d97c85dcf93ed44 Content-Disposition:表格数据; name="firstname"; NAME = “姓名”; filename="firstname" 文件名=“姓名”

TEST --070f6a3146974d399d97c85dcf93ed44-- 测试--070f6a3146974d399d97c85dcf93ed44--

So here's the question, should I manually parse the body for the data in parse_post if it's a multipart request? 所以这是一个问题,如果是多部分请求,是否应该在parse_post中手动解析正文以获取数据?

Or is there a method that I need/can use to parse the multipart body? 还是有我需要/可以用来解析多部分主体的方法?

Or am I doing this wrong completely? 还是我完全错了?

Thanks again, I know it's a long read but I wanted to make sure my question was comprehensive 再次感谢,我知道这本书读得很长,但是我想确保我的问题很全面

So I solved my problem, but in a totally hacky way. 因此,我解决了我的问题,但是完全是笨拙的。

Ended up manually parsing the body of the request, here's the code I wrote: 最终手动解析了请求的主体,这是我编写的代码:

if("multipart/form-data" in headers["Content-Type"]):
    data_list = []
    content_list = content.split("\r\n\r\n")
    for i in range(len(content_list) - 1):

    data_list[0] += content_list[0].split("name=")[1].split(";")[0].replace('"','') + "="

    for i,c in enumerate(content_list[1:-1]):
        key = c.split("name=")[1].split(";")[0].replace('"','')
        data_list[i+1] += key + "="
        value = c.split("\r\n")
        data_list[i] += value[0]

    data_list[-1] += content_list[-1].split("\r\n")[0]

    content = "&".join(data_list)

If anybody can still solve my problem without having to manually parse the body, please let me know! 如果有人仍然可以解决我的问题而不必手动解析身体,请告诉我!

There's the streaming-form-data project that provides a Python parser to parse data that's multipart/form-data encoded. 有一个streaming-form-data项目,该项目提供了一个Python解析器来解析由multipart/form-data编码multipart/form-data It's intended to allow parsing data in chunks, but since there's no chunk size enforced, you could just pass your entire input at once and it should do the job. 它旨在允许以块的形式解析数据,但是由于没有强制执行块大小,因此您可以一次传递整个输入,它就可以完成工作。 It should be installable via pip install streaming_form_data . 它应该可以通过pip install streaming_form_data

Here's the source code - https://github.com/siddhantgoel/streaming-form-data 这是源代码-https://github.com/siddhantgoel/streaming-form-data

Documentation - https://streaming-form-data.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ 文档-https: //streaming-form-data.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

Disclaimer: I'm the author. 免责声明:我是作者。 Of course, please create an issue in case you run into a bug. 当然,如果遇到错误,请创建一个问题。 :) :)

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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