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[英]How to make an optional value for argument using argparse?

I am creating a python script where I want to have an argument that manipulates how many search results you get as output. 我正在创建一个python脚本,我希望有一个参数来操作你输出的搜索结果数量。 I've currently named the argument --head . 我目前已将参数命名为--head This is the functionality I'd like it to have: 这是我希望它拥有的功能:

  1. When --head is not passed at the command line I'd like it to default to one value. --head没有在命令行传递时,我希望它默认为一个值。 In this case, a rather big one, like 80 在这种情况下,一个相当大的,像80

  2. When --head is passed without any value, I'd like it to default to another value. --head没有任何值传递时,我希望它默认为另一个值。 In this case, something limited, like 10 在这种情况下,有限的东西,如10

  3. When --head is passed with a value, I'd like it to store the value it was passed. --head传递一个值时,我希望它存储它传递的值。

Here is some code describing the problem: 以下是一些描述问题的代码:

>>> import argparse
>>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
>>> parser.add_argument('-h',
                        action="I don't know",
                        help='Only print the head of the output')
>>> # OFC, that last line will fail because the action is uknown,
... # but here is how I'd like it to work
... parser.parse_args(''.split())
>>> parser.parse_args('--head'.split())
>>> parser.parse_args('--head 15'.split())

I know I probably can write a custom action for this, but I first want to see if there is any default behaviour that does this. 我知道我可能会为此编写自定义操作,但我首先想看看是否有任何默认行为。

After a little more reading in the documentation I found what I needed: nargs='?' 在文档中nargs='?'我找到了我需要的东西: nargs='?' . This is used with the store action, and does exactly what I want. 这与store行为一起使用,完全符合我的要求。

Here is an example: 这是一个例子:

>>> import argparse
>>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
>>> parser.add_argument('--head',
                        help='Only print the head of the output')
>>> parser.parse_args(''.split())
... Namespace(size=80)
>>> parser.parse_args('--head'.split())
... Namespace(size=10)
>>> parser.parse_args('--head 15'.split())
... Namespace(size=15)

Source: http://docs.python.org/3/library/argparse.html#nargs 资料来源: http//docs.python.org/3/library/argparse.html#nargs

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