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将Restful Web Service中的JSON存储在列表中

[英]Store JSON from Restful Web Service in List

I created a RESTful Java client and i am trying to store the JSON from the server to a List, but can't seem to do it. 我创建了一个RESTful Java客户端,并且尝试将JSON从服务器存储到列表中,但似乎无法做到这一点。 Tried to use the findAll() method, but no luck so far. 试图使用findAll()方法,但到目前为止还没有运气。 How else can i do this? 我还能怎么做? My code is as follows: 我的代码如下:

Note: All references to XML have been removed. 注意:已删除所有对XML的引用。 Everything is JSON. 一切都是JSON。

SalaryStructureClient.java SalaryStructureClient.java

package Consumer;

import javax.ws.rs.ClientErrorException;
import javax.ws.rs.client.Client;
import javax.ws.rs.client.WebTarget;

public class SalaryStructureClient {
    private WebTarget webTarget;
    private Client client;
    private static final String BASE_URI = "http://swiftworld.com/mass/web";

    public SalaryStructureClient() {
        client = javax.ws.rs.client.ClientBuilder.newClient();
        webTarget = client.target(BASE_URI).path("salarystructure");

    public void remove(String id) throws ClientErrorException {
        webTarget.path(java.text.MessageFormat.format("{0}", new Object[]{id})).request().delete();

Control.java Control.java

public String getCount() {
        count = getClient().countREST();
        return count;

    public List<SalaryStructure> getList() {
        list = getClient().findAll(List.class); //Don't really know what to do here...
        return list;

    public void saveToDB(){
        JsonObject json = Json.createObjectBuilder()
                .add("structureLongName", structure.getStructureLongName())
                .add("structureShortName", structure.getStructureShortName())

        structure = new SalaryStructure();

All the other methods are working perfectly. 所有其他方法均正常运行。

Thanks. 谢谢。

After a long research, finally got it working using the following method: 经过长时间的研究,终于可以使用以下方法使其工作:

public List<SalaryStructure> getList() {
        list = client1.target("http://swiftworld.com/mass/web")
                .get(new GenericType<List<SalaryStructure>>() {});
        return list;

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