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[英]Copy input values from one form to another

What would be the best way to copy input values from one form to another where the inputs in each form have the same name? 将输入值从一种形式复制到另一种形式的最佳方法是什么?每种形式的输入具有相同的名称? I came up with the following, however, it seems terribly inefficient (I know, efficiency probably doesn't matter, but would still like to know). 我想出了以下内容,然而,它似乎非常低效(我知道,效率可能并不重要,但仍然想知道)。 Thanks 谢谢

http://jsbin.com/beyixeqa/1/ http://jsbin.com/beyixeqa/1/

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
        <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript"> 
                    var form1=$('#form1').find(':input');
                    var form2=$('#form2');
                    form1.each(function() {
                        var $t=$(this);


        <button id="copy">copy</button>
        <form id="form1">
            <input name="a" type=text>
            <input name="b" type=text>
            <input name="c" type=text>
            <input name="d" type=text>
        <form id="form2">
            <input name="a" type=text>
            <input name="b" type=text>
            <input name="c" type=text>
            <input name="d" type=text>


You don't need to clone or replace, just change the value 您不需要克隆或替换,只需更改value

 jQuery(function( $ ) { function copyForms( $form1 , $form2 ) { $(':input[name]', $form2).val(function() { return $(':input[name=' + this.name + ']', $form1).val(); }); } $('#copy').on('click', function() { copyForms( $('#form1') , $('#form2') ); }); }); 
 /*this demo only*/ body{display:flex;}form{padding:16px;background:#ddd;}form>*{box-sizing:border-box;width:100%;} 
 <form id=form1> FORM <input name=a type=text value="FOO"> <input name=b type=button value="BAR"> <textarea name=c>BAZ</textarea> <select name=d> <option value="a">a</option> <option value="b" selected>b</option> </select> </form> <button id="copy">COPY&rarr;</button> <form id=form2> HIDDEN FORM <input name=a type=text> <input name=b type=button value="..."> <textarea name=c></textarea> <select name=d> <option value="a">a</option> <option value="b">b</option> </select> </form> <script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-3.1.0.min.js"></script> 

  • By using :input[name] you're making sure to target only :input s with a name attribute 通过使用:input[name]您确保仅定位 :input带有name属性的s
  • $(':input[name]', form2) = descendants of #form2 $(':input[name]', form2) = #form2后代
  • Using the val callback you can target every single one of the targeted inputs 使用val回调,您可以定位每一个目标输入
  • returning their values to be exactly as their referenced same-named- :inputs of #form1 将它们的值返回到与#form1的引用的同名 - :inputs完全相同

You can use .clone() and .replaceWith() 你可以使用.clone().replaceWith()

    var newform2=$('#form1').clone(); //Clone form 1
    newform2.filter('form').prop('id', 'form2'); //Update formID


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