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ASP.NET MVC 5.1 EditorFor和DisplayFor不使用自定义模板

[英]ASP.NET MVC 5.1 EditorFor and DisplayFor not Using Custom Templates

suddenly my MVC application stopped using the custom EditorFor or DisplayFor templates I have. 突然,我的MVC应用程序停止使用我拥有的自定义EditorForDisplayFor模板。 I'm not sure when exactly it failed since I've been changing the UI. 由于我一直在更改用户界面,因此我不确定它何时会失败。 I have the templates sitting in DisplayTemplates and EditorTemplates under the Shared folder. 我的模板位于Shared文件夹下的DisplayTemplatesEditorTemplates I do override the ViewEnginesCollection in Global.asax with this: 我确实用以下方法覆盖了Global.asaxViewEnginesCollection

ViewEngines.Engines.Add(new CSHtmlRazorViewEngine {
    PartialViewLocationFormats = new string[] { 

Where CSHtmlRazorViewEngine is: 其中CSHtmlRazorViewEngine是:

public sealed class CSHtmlRazorViewEngine : RazorViewEngine {
    public CSHtmlRazorViewEngine()
        : base() {
        this.AreaViewLocationFormats = new string[2] {
        this.AreaMasterLocationFormats = new string[2] {
        this.AreaPartialViewLocationFormats = new string[2] {
        this.ViewLocationFormats = new string[3] {
        this.MasterLocationFormats = new string[2] {
        this.PartialViewLocationFormats = new string[2] {
        this.FileExtensions = new string[1] {

I'm having a bit of a hard time understanding where I've gone wrong all of the sudden. 我很难理解我突然哪里出错了。 Any recommendations on where to check for what? 关于在哪里检查什么的任何建议?

UPDATE - Code Examples UPDATE-代码示例

Here's the Edit.cshtml page for an Office object: 这是Office对象的Edit.cshtml页面:

<div class="Section">
    @using (Html.BeginForm("Edit", "Offices", new {
        id = Model.Office.Id
    }, FormMethod.Post)) {
            <input type="submit" value="Save" />
        @Html.EditorFor(m => m.Office, new {
            Regions = Model.Regions,
            States = Model.States
    @Html.Partial("Equipments", Model.Equipments)

And here's the EditorFor template for Office that's being requested: 这是所请求的OfficeEditorFor模板:

@model Office
    @Html.Label("Name", "Name:")
    @Html.TextBox("Name", Model.Name, new {
        required = string.Empty
    @Html.Label("RegionId", "Region:")
    @Html.DropDownList("RegionId", new SelectList((IEnumerable<Region>)ViewData["Regions"], "Id", "Name", Model.RegionId), string.Empty, new {
        required = string.Empty
@Html.EditorFor(m => m.Address)

And here's the OfficesController.Edit() ActionResult : 这是OfficesController.Edit() ActionResult

public async Task<ActionResult> Edit(
    short id) {
    if (id > 0) {
        Office office = await base.Repository.FindSingleOrDefaultAsync<Office, short>(id);

        if (office != null) {
            Task<IQueryable<Equipment>> equipments = Task.Run(() => base.Repository.FindEquipment<Office>(id));
            Task<IQueryable<Region>> regions = Task.Run(() => base.Repository.Find<Region>());
            Task<IQueryable<State>> states = Task.Run(() => base.Repository.Find<State>());

            await Task.WhenAll(equipments, regions, states);

            return base.View(new OfficesView {
                Equipments = equipments.Result.ToList(),
                Office = office,
                Regions = regions.Result,
                States = states.Result,
                ViewData = new OfficeViewData {
                    Map = new Map {
                        Center = office.Address.Position.ToPoint(),
                        Polygons = (office.Boundaries != null) ? new Polygon[] {
                        } : null

    return base.RedirectToAction("List");

There are no compilation or run-time exceptions being generated. 没有生成任何编译或运行时异常。 The EditorFor just silently fails to find the template and generates the default one instead. EditorFor只是默默地找不到模板,而是生成默认模板。 The code pattern pretty much repeats for every other object. 代码模式几乎对其他每个对象都重复。

MVC will add itself the EditorTemplates/ segment to the partial view name when looking for an editor template. 当寻找编辑器模板时,MVC会将自身EditorTemplates/段添加到部分视图名称中。 You can check the source code here , ExecuteTemplate function. 您可以在此处查看源代码 ExecuteTemplate函数。

You have set the partial view locations as: 您已将部分视图位置设置为:


When looking for the Address editor template, MVC will use EditorTemplates/Address as the partial view name. 查找Address编辑器模板时,MVC将使用EditorTemplates/Address作为部分视图名称。 That means it will check the 2 following partial view locations: 这意味着它将检查以下两个局部视图位置:


If it cannot find them there, it will go back the default editor templates. 如果无法在此处找到它们,它将返回默认编辑器模板。

Probably your editor templates are sitting currently in the first EditorTemplates folder? 可能您的编辑器模板当前位于第一个EditorTemplates文件夹中?

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