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使用 Gulp 编译 Sass 并缩小供应商 css

[英]Using Gulp to Compile Sass and minify vendor css

Getting to grips with Gulp and have a question.掌握 Gulp 并提出问题。

So I have a gulp CSS task like the below which works just fine:所以我有一个 gulp CSS 任务,就像下面这样工作得很好:

var sassDir = 'app/scss';
var targetCssDir = 'public/assets';

gulp.task('css', function(){
    return gulp.src(sassDir + '/main.scss')
        .pipe(sass({ style: 'compressed' }).on('error', gutil.log))
        .pipe(autoprefix('last 10 version'))

But is there a way to add my vendor files like Bootstrap so it will be included for minification and concatenation.但是有没有办法添加我的供应商文件,如 Bootstrap,以便将其包含在内以进行缩小和连接。

Hope you can advise.!希望大家多多指教!

gulp-sass will meet your request. gulp-sass将满足您的要求。 Pls let me show you how to compile Sass files and minify (or compress) compiled css files: 请允许我告诉您如何编译Sass文件并缩小(或压缩)已编译的css文件:

  • install gulp-sass from here 这里安装gulp-sass
  • in you project's gulpfile.js, add following code: 在你的项目的gulpfile.js中,添加以下代码:

Note: outputStyle in gulp-sass has four options: nested , expanded , compact , compressed 注意: gulp -sass中的outputStyle有四个选项: nestedexpandedcompactcompressed

It really works, I have used it in my project. 它确实有效,我在我的项目中使用过它。 Hope it helps. 希望能帮助到你。

var gulp = require('gulp');
var sass = require('gulp-sass');

gulp.task('sass', function () {
    gulp.src(['yourCSSFolder/*.scss', 'yourCSSFolder/**/*.scss'])
        .pipe(sass({outputStyle: 'compressed'}))

// Default task
gulp.task('default', function () {

For reminder the readme 提醒自述

I can think of two solutions. 我能想到两个解决方案。 The best option, I feel, is to use @import statements within your Sass file to include the vendor files. 我认为最好的选择是在Sass文件中使用@import语句来包含供应商文件。 Use relative paths to where they live, and you can then include them in the order you want. 使用相对路径到他们居住的地方,然后您可以按照您想要的顺序包含它们。 Apparently this doesn't work using SASS unless you are using SASS imports. 显然,除非您使用SASS导入,否则使用SASS不起作用。

Alternatively, you can use event-stream and gulp-concat to concatenate streams of files. 或者,您可以使用event-streamgulp-concat来连接文件流。 In this case, you should not use gulp-sass to compress the files, rather, use something like gulp-csso to handle the compression. 在这种情况下,你应该使用gulp-sass对文件进行压缩,而是使用类似gulp-csso来处理压缩。

var es = require('event-stream'),
    concat = require('gulp-concat');

gulp.task('css', function(){
    var vendorFiles = gulp.src('/glob/for/vendor/files');
    var appFiles = gulp.src(sassDir + '/main.scss')
        .pipe(sass({ style: 'compressed' }).on('error', gutil.log));

    return es.concat(vendorFiles, appFiles)
        .pipe(autoprefix('last 10 version'))

Again, you should use the first method if you can, but es.concat is useful for other scenarios. 同样,如果可以,您应该使用第一种方法,但es.concat对其他方案很有用。

i found this recently gulp-cssjoin this allows you to replace imports with inline css 我发现这最近gulp-cssjoin这允许你用内联css替换导入

the scss scss

@import '../../bower_components/angular/angular-csp.css';

the gulp task 吞咽任务

var gulp = require('gulp'),
    gutil = require('gulp-util'),
    sass = require('gulp-ruby-sass'),
    cssjoin = require('gulp-cssjoin'),
    csscomb = require('gulp-csscomb');

gulp.task('sass',['images'], function() {
  return gulp.src('src/sass/*.{sass,scss}')
      compass: true,
      bundleExec: true,
      sourcemap: true,
      sourcemapPath: '../src/sass'
    .on('error',gutil.log.bind(gutil, 'Sass Error'))
      paths: ['./src/sass']

the important part is the passing in of the paths 重要的是路径的传入

  paths: ['./src/sass']

You can convert scss files to min.css with just one simple task只需一项简单的任务,您就可以将 scss 文件转换为 min.css

const { series, src, dest } = require("gulp");
const sass = require("gulp-sass")(require("sass"));
const cleanCss = require("gulp-clean-css");
var rename = require("gulp-rename");

function minCss() {
  return src("scss/*.scss")
      rename(function (file) {
        file.basename = file.basename + ".min";

exports.watch = series(minCss);

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