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[英]Change date format criteria query in hibernate?

I am displaying my test name and date by using below query. 我通过使用以下查询显示我的考试名称和日期。 Now my date format is 2014-02-27 17:26:49.0 but i need to display in 2014-02-27 format. 现在我的日期格式为2014-02-27 17:26:49.0但我需要以2014-02-27格式显示。 How can i modify my query for this? 我该如何修改我的查询?

Session ses = sessionFactory.getCurentSession();
Criteria c = ses.createCriteria(user.class);
c.add(Restrictions.eq("id", uid));
c.add(Restrictions.eq("name", uname));

ProjectionList pl = Projections.projectionList();

List<String> list = c.list();

The code above is incorrect. 上面的代码不正确。 It selects two fields, and you assume that it returns a List<String> . 它选择两个字段,并假定它返回List<String> That is not possible. 这是不可能的。 Every element of the list will be an Object array containing 2 elements: the testid, and the date. 列表中的每个元素都是一个包含2个元素的Object数组:testid和date。 The date element will be of the same type as the date field in your entity (which, I hope, is java.util.Date ). date元素将与您实体中的date字段具有相同的类型(我希望是java.util.Date )。

So, to display the result of the query using a specific format, you would use something like the following: 因此,要使用特定格式显示查询结果,您将使用类似以下的内容:

DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM dd, yyyy");
List<Object[]> rows = c/list();
for (Object[] row : rows) { 
    Date date = (Date) row[1];
    System.out.println(row[0] + " - " + df.format(date);
By using "sqlGroupProjection" I have changed my date format to **2014-02-27**

projectionList.add(Projections.sqlGroupProjection("date(date) as createdDate", "createdDate", new String[] { "createdDate" }, new Type[] { StandardBasicTypes.DATE }));

Try this. 尝试这个。

SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm");

    Date inputDate = new Date();


output : 输出:

27/02/2014 07:25
        SimpleDateFormat format1 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss");
        SimpleDateFormat format2 = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM dd,yyyy");
        Date date = format1.parse("2014-02-27 17:26:49.00");

INPUT : 2014-02-27 17:26:49.00
OUTPUT : February 27,2014

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