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IE8的IE11仿真器出现Google Charts错误

[英]Google Charts error with IE11 emulator for IE8

I am aware of an issue the IE8 emulator in IE11 causing Permission Denied errors when using Google Visualization API to add charts to a webpage. 我知道在使用Google Visualization API将图表添加到网页时,IE11中的IE8模拟器会导致“ 权限被拒绝”错误。

However I have a number of pages that use charts on the website I am developing and I noticed this error was only occurring with certain pages. 但是,在我正在开发的网站上,有很多页面使用图表,并且我注意到此错误仅在某些页面上发生。 On further investigation I found that the error only occurs when calling a function to render graphs using a for loop (code example below). 在进一步的研究中,我发现仅在调用用于使用for循环渲染图形的函数时发生错误(下面的代码示例)。 It also came to my attention that this caused the tooltips to stop working in Google Chrome. 还引起我注意的是,这导致工具提示停止在Google Chrome中运行。

I am able to work around this by manually calling each function sequentially outside of the for loop which is fine when I only need to render a small number of graphs (5 in the example below), but is not practical for larger numbers of charts. 我可以通过在for循环外依次手动调用每个函数来解决此问题,当我只需要渲染少量图形(在下面的示例中为5个)时,这很好,但是对于大量图表却不实用。

Can someone please shed some light on why the issue is arising when a for loop is used and is there a work around that means I don't have to call the same function multiple times manually. 有人可以说明使用for循环时出现此问题的原因,是否有解决方法,这意味着我不必手动多次调用同一函数。

Many thanks in advance for any help. 非常感谢您的任何帮助。

    // This code does not work at all in IE11 emulator mode for IE8 
// and tool tips only work for the last rendered graph in Chrome Version 33.0.1750.117 m

for ( i = 0; i < fibreCounts.length; i++ ) {    
    var divName = fibreCounts[i] + '_forecast_order_graph';
    var containerDiv = document.getElementById('forecast_order_graphs').innerHTML;
    document.getElementById('forecast_order_graphs').innerHTML = containerDiv + '<div id="' + divName + '" class="bar_chart_div" ></div>';
    createLineGraph( fibreOrderData[i], divName, fibreCounts[i], maxDates[i], poCover[fibreCounts[i]] );

     // This code where the call to the function that renders the graph is outside 
        // the for loop works fine in both cases

        for ( i = 0; i < fibreCounts.length; i++ ) {
            var divName = fibreCounts[i] + '_forecast_order_graph';
            var containerDiv = document.getElementById('forecast_order_graphs').innerHTML;
            document.getElementById('forecast_order_graphs').innerHTML = containerDiv + '<div id="' + divName + '" class="bar_chart_div" ></div>';
        createLineGraph( fibreOrderData[0], '8f_forecast_order_graph', '8f', maxDates[0], poCover['8f'] );
        createLineGraph( fibreOrderData[1], '24f_forecast_order_graph', '24f', maxDates[1], poCover['24f'] );
        createLineGraph( fibreOrderData[2], '48f_forecast_order_graph', '48f', maxDates[2], poCover['48f'] );
        createLineGraph( fibreOrderData[3], '96f_forecast_order_graph', '96f', maxDates[3], poCover['96f'] );
        createLineGraph( fibreOrderData[4], '240f_forecast_order_graph', '240f', maxDates[4], poCover['240f'] );

      // Function that renders the graphs

        function createLineGraph( valuesArray, targetDiv, fCount, endDate, budgetAmount )
            console.log( 'Start chart ' + fCount );
            var chartData = new google.visualization.DataTable();
            chartData.addColumn('string', 'Date');
            chartData.addColumn('number', 'Budget');
            chartData.addColumn('number', 'Order Requirement');
            chartData.addColumn('number', 'Build Requirement');

            var rowDate = Date.parse( 'January 1, 2013' );
            var lastRowDate = endDate + ( 7 * 86400000 );

            console.log( 'Budget : ' + budgetAmount );

            while ( rowDate < lastRowDate ) {

                var orderReq = 0;
                var buildReq = 0;

                var i;
                for( i = 0; i < valuesArray.length; i++ ) {
                    if ( valuesArray[i][1] <= rowDate ) {
                        buildReq += valuesArray[i][0]
                    if ( valuesArray[i][2] <= rowDate ) {
                        orderReq += valuesArray[i][0]

                var dateString = buildDateString( rowDate );
                chartData.addRow( [dateString, budgetAmount, orderReq, buildReq] );
                rowDate += 86400000;

            var options = {
                fontName: 'Arial',
                fontSize: 12,
                title : fCount + ' Forecast Order Report',
                hAxis: {title: 'Date'},
                vAxis: {title: 'Cable Length (m)', textStyle: {color: '#676767', fontName: 'Arial', fontSize: 12}},
            var chart = new google.visualization.LineChart( document.getElementById( targetDiv ) );
            chart.draw( chartData, options );
            console.log( 'End chart ' + fCount );

Data example below, most of the data is pulled from SharePoint lists and as a result there is a load of processing that happens to it to produce these arrays. 在下面的数据示例中,大多数数据都是从SharePoint列表中提取的,因此,要生成这些数组需要处理大量负载。 These example arrays should be enough to test the code. 这些示例数组应该足以测试代码。

var poCover = { '8f' : 22000, '24f' : 80100, '48f' : 34400, '96f' : 64600, '240f' : 61300 };
var fibreCounts = [ '8f', '24f', '48f', '96f', '240f' ];
var maxDates = [ 1395014400000, 1395014400000, 1393545600000, 1392768000000, 1393545600000 ];

var fibreOrderData = [ 
        [3374, 1395014400000, 1390176000000],
        [70, 1376002800000, 1371164400000],
        [80, 1376002800000, 1371164400000],
        [3374, 1395014400000, 1390176000000],
        [70, 1376002800000, 1371164400000],
        [80, 1376002800000, 1371164400000]
        [2313, 1395014400000, 1390176000000],
        [1164, 1384387200000, 1379548800000],
        [442, 1384387200000, 1379548800000],
        [2313, 1395014400000, 1390176000000],
        [1164, 1384387200000, 1379548800000],
        [442, 1384387200000, 1379548800000]
        [2900, 1393545600000, 1388707200000],
        [1700, 1366153200000, 1361314800000],
        [0, 1360886400000, 1356048000000],
        [2900, 1393545600000, 1388707200000],
        [1700, 1366153200000, 1361314800000],
        [0, 1360886400000, 1356048000000]
        [2700, 1392768000000, 1387929600000],
        [8921, 1381791600000, 1376953200000],
        [300, 1376953200000, 1372114800000]
        [2700, 1392768000000, 1387929600000],
        [8921, 1381791600000, 1376953200000],
        [300, 1376953200000, 1372114800000]
        [23020, 1393545600000, 1388707200000],
        [23630, 1393545600000, 1388707200000],
        [5800, 1393545600000, 1388707200000],
        [23020, 1393545600000, 1388707200000],
        [23630, 1393545600000, 1388707200000],
        [5800, 1393545600000, 1388707200000]

The problem with your for loop is this: 您的for循环的问题是这样的:

document.getElementById('forecast_order_graphs').innerHTML = containerDiv + '<div id="' + divName + '" class="bar_chart_div" ></div>';
createLineGraph(fibreOrderData[i], divName, fibreCounts[i], maxDates[i], poCover[fibreCounts[i]]);

Every time through the loop, you take the HTML contents of the container as a string, append a new div string, replace the HTML contents of the container with the new string, and draw a chart in the new div. 每次循环时,您都将容器的HTML内容作为字符串,追加新的div字符串,用新的字符串替换容器的HTML内容,并在新的div中绘制图表。 This copies the SVG from the previously drawn charts, but the event handlers to the charts are lost, thus the tooltips won't spawn. 这将从先前绘制的图表复制SVG,但事件处理程序丢失到图表,因此不会产生工具提示。

The proper approach here is to create new divs using the document.createElement method and append them to the container div: 正确的方法是使用document.createElement方法创建新的div并将它们附加到容器div中:

var containerDiv = document.getElementById('forecast_order_graphs');
for ( i = 0; i < fibreCounts.length; i++ ) {    
    var divName = fibreCounts[i] + '_forecast_order_graph';
    var newDiv = document.createElement('div');
    newDiv.id = divName;
    createLineGraph(fibreOrderData[i], divName, fibreCounts[i], maxDates[i], poCover[fibreCounts[i]]);

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