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[英]RegSvr32 not making registry entries for COM object

I have a newly created ATL simple object in an existing ATL COM project. 我在现有的ATL COM项目中有一个新创建的ATL简单对象。 Now, registering this DLL using regsvr32 works OK. 现在,使用regsvr32注册此DLL可以正常进行。 I get a message saying DLL registration was successful. 我收到一条消息,说DLL注册成功。 But, it fails to make entries under HKCR. 但是,它无法根据HKCR进行输入。 I can see entries for all other objects but for this one. 我可以看到除此对象之外的所有其他对象的条目。

I am using VS2012 Professional to compile my project and the configuration type is x64. 我正在使用VS2012 Professional编译我的项目,配置类型为x64。 ** I have recently upgraded my solution from VS2005 to VS2012 and this is my first object under the newly created solution. **我最近将解决方案从VS2005升级到了VS2012,这是新创建的解决方案下的第一个对象。 ** **

Can anyone point me in the right direction here? 有人可以在这里指出正确的方向吗?

OK, even though my command prompt directory was the same as the one in which the DLL to be registered was located when I used the command- C:\\windows\\system32\\regsvr32.exe DLLname.dll, it was registering the DLL located in System 32 folder. 好的,即使我的命令提示符目录与使用命令C:\\ windows \\ system32 \\ regsvr32.exe DLLname.dll时要注册的DLL所在的目录相同,也正在注册位于以下位置的DLL。系统32文件夹。

Using absolute path for the DLL registered the correct DLL and new progID's appeared in HKCR. 使用DLL的绝对路径注册正确的DLL,并且新的progID出现在HKCR中。

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