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[英]ZeroMQ: How to handle Ctrl-C on Windows

I wonder how to handle Ctrl-C issued from the windows console. 我想知道如何处理Windows控制台发出的Ctrl-C

#include <iostream>
#include <zmq.hpp>
#include <windows.h>

BOOL WINAPI consoleHandler( DWORD dwCtrlType ) {
    // what to do here?
    return TRUE;

int main() {
    SetConsoleCtrlHandler( consoleHandler, TRUE );

    zmq::context_t context( 1 );
    zmq::socket_t socket( context, ZMQ_REP );
    socket.bind( "tcp://*:5555" );

    while ( true ) {
        zmq::message_t request;
        try {
            socket.recv( &request );
        catch(zmq::error_t& e) {
            std::cout << "zmq error" << std::endl;

This installs a handler function that can act upon a CTRL_C_EVENT coming from the console. 这将安装一个处理程序函数,该函数可以对来自控制台的CTRL_C_EVENT Currently, it does nothing. 目前,它什么都不做。 As a result, the revc call does not fail throwing an exception as described here (in "Error handling") . 结果, revc调用不会抛出异常,如此处所述(在“错误处理”中)

What I'd like to do is break ing the loop in the exception handler and letting the RAII features of the C++ binding do the required cleanup when exiting main() . 我想做的是break异常处理程序中的循环,并让C ++绑定的RAII功能在退出main()时进行所需的清除。

Usually I create a flag or some sort - either a global bool or a kernel Event. 通常,我创建一个标志或某种标志-全局布尔值或内核事件。

Then you loop waiting on this flag to be reset - so in your case, I would create a simple global bool and then loop on it instead of while (true). 然后循环等待此标志被重置-因此,在您的情况下,我将创建一个简单的全局布尔值,然后在其上循环而不是while(true)。

so: 所以:

bool g_shutdown = false;

BOOL WINAPI consoleHandler( DWORD dwCtrlType ) {
    g_shutdown = true;
    return TRUE;

while (!g_shutdown)
// do your zmq work

Its simple but effective - though this will not kill your program until the zmq work comes round to the while loop check again. 它简单但有效-尽管直到zmq工作再次进入while循环检查之前,这都不会杀死您的程序。 (You can usually do this by shutting down the socket variable) (通常可以通过关闭套接字变量来执行此操作)

For a more robust (ie quicker to kill, depending on your situation) use a Event, and WaitforMultipleObject call to wait on both this shutdown event and whatever else your program is waiting on (ie that socket's recv call). 为了获得更强大的功能(即,根据情况而定,更快地杀死它),请使用Event和WaitforMultipleObject调用以等待此关闭事件以及程序正在等待的其他任何事件(即该套接字的recv调用)。

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