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[英]Javascript does not execute on Chrome but works fine on FF and IE

I have javascript code to populate tabs on my page and the script works fine on FF and IE. 我有javascript代码来填充页面上的标签,并且脚本在FF和IE上运行良好。 However the script does not execute on Chrome. 但是,该脚本无法在Chrome上执行。 I am not exactly sure what is wrong with the code that it won't show up on Chrome browser. 我不完全确定Chrome浏览器中不会显示的代码有什么问题。 Chrome debug inspector is not helping me much to find out the issue. Chrome调试检查器无法帮助我找出问题所在。

For bet type tabs (link attribute is not clickable and text doesn't show up) HTML 对于投注类型选项卡(链接属性不可单击,并且文本不会显示)HTML

<div id="tabs">
<ul id="betTypesTabs"></ul>


function drawBetTypesTable(events, eventIndex) {

    // Clean the tabs

    var orderedBetTypesIds = [1, 2, 105, 107, 106, 111, 108],
        eventId = events[eventIndex].id,
        categoryId = events[eventIndex].categoryId,
        betTypes = events[eventIndex].markets[0].betTypes,
        horseSelections = events[eventIndex].markets[0].selections,
        marketDescription = events[eventIndex].markets[0].marketDescription;

    // If event is the last one, Running Doubles cannot be shown
    if (eventIndex == events.length-1) orderedBetTypesIds.pop();

    $.each(orderedBetTypesIds, function (index, value) {

        var betTypeId = orderedBetTypesIds[index],
            i = null;

        $.each(betTypes, function (betIndex, betTypeValue) {
            if (betTypeValue.id == orderedBetTypesIds[index]) {
                i = betIndex;
                value = betTypeValue;
                return false;

        if (i != null) {

            // Draw the tab
            var a = document.createElement('a');
            a.className = eventId + "_betTypeId_" + betTypeId;
            a.text = value.name;

            var li = document.createElement('li');

            // Draw the div with the table
            var div = document.createElement('div');
            div.id = eventId + "_betTypeId_" + betTypeId;

            var table = document.createElement('table');
            table.id = eventId + "_betType_" + betTypeId + "_table";
            table.cellspacing = "0";
            table.cellpadding = "0";
            table.width = "100%";
            table.className = "table_racing";

            document.getElementById(eventId + "_betTypeId_" + betTypeId).appendChild(table);

            // Bind click action to the tab link
            var currentA = $("ul#betTypesTabs").find('a[class="' + eventId + '_betTypeId_' + betTypeId + '"]');

                // Making the tab active
                $("ul#betTypesTabs li").removeClass("active");

                // Showing the correct div
                $("div#tabs div").hide();
                $("#" + eventId + "_betTypeId_" + betTypeId).show();

                // If it is a Running Double, highlight the next race number
                if (betTypeId == 108) {
                        var nextRaceNumber = events[parseInt(eventIndex)+1].raceNumber;
                        $("#raceNumber_" + nextRaceNumber).removeClass("gray");
                        $("#raceNumber_" + nextRaceNumber).addClass("orange");

            var tableId = table.id;

            (function(betTypeId, eventId, categoryId, i, tableId, eventIndex) {
                // PLACE or WIN, WIN/PLACE bet types
                if (betTypeId == 1 || betTypeId == 2 || betTypeId == 3) {
                    drawPlaceBetTypeTable(eventId, categoryId, betTypes[i]);
                    drawSelections(betTypeId, tableId, horseSelections);
                // EXACTA, QUINELLA, TRIFECTA, FIRST FOUR bet types
                else if (betTypeId == 105 || betTypeId == 107 || betTypeId == 106 || betTypeId == 111) {
                    drawExactaBetTypeTable(eventId, categoryId, betTypes[i]);
                    drawSelections(betTypeId, tableId, horseSelections);
                    drawHorseSelectionFooter(betTypeId, tableId);
                // RUNNING DOUBLE
                else if (betTypeId == 108) {
                    drawRunningDoubleBetTypeTable(events, eventIndex, betTypes[i], 6);

                // Append NB description if does not exist
                if (marketDescription != null && $("#" + table.id + '_notabene').length == 0) {
                    appendBetTableFooter(table, marketDescription);
            })(betTypeId, eventId, categoryId, i, tableId, eventIndex);

    // Click on the 1st tab
    $("ul#betTypesTabs a")[0].click();

For race type (links are clickable but race type text doesn't show up on chrome) HTML 对于种族类型(链接是可单击的,但是种族类型的文本不会显示在Chrome上)HTML

<div id="raceNumbers" class="racenumbers">


function drawAllRaceNumbers(events) {

    // Clean parent element
    document.getElementById("raceNumbers").innerHTML = '';

    // Draw a category name, which is same for all events
    var p = document.createElement("p");
    p.innerHTML = events[0].categoryName + ':';

    for (var i in events) {
        var a = document.createElement('a'),
            eventNumber = events[i].raceNumber;

        // Racing specials
        if (eventNumber == null) {
            eventNumber = parseInt(i) + 1;
            a.text = eventNumber;
        else a.text = raceAbbr + eventNumber;
        a.id = "raceNumber_" + eventNumber;
        a.className = "gray";

        // Binding click event for the race number
        $("#raceNumber_" + eventNumber).unbind();
        (function(i, raceNumber) {
            $("#raceNumber_" + raceNumber).click(function() {
                drawRaceView(events, i);
        })(i, eventNumber);

    var div = document.createElement('div');
    div.className = "clear";

Edit: Removing the link to my dev environment. 编辑:删除到我的开发环境的链接。

You need to change all your lines which use '.text' to set content of element. 您需要更改所有使用'.text'设置元素内容的行。 This doesn't work on chrome. 这不适用于Chrome。 You could replace it using instead .innerHTML or, as you are already using it, use jQuery for that: $(a).text(data) 您可以使用.innerHTML代替它,或者,因为您已经在使用它,所以使用jQuery: $(a).text(data)

You have error : event.returnValue is deprecated. Please use the standard event.preventDefault() instead. 您有错误: event.returnValue is deprecated. Please use the standard event.preventDefault() instead. event.returnValue is deprecated. Please use the standard event.preventDefault() instead.

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