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Excel VBA copyfromrecordset复制超过100列时速度变慢

[英]excel vba copyfromrecordset slows when copying over 100 columns

i'm trying to use the code below to copy data from a sql (2008 r2) table to multiple sheets in excel 2003 - there are currently c420000 records, expanding at around 1000 a week. 我正在尝试使用下面的代码在excel 2003中将数据从sql(2008 r2)表复制到多张工作表-当前有c420000条记录,每周扩展约1000条。 this is the requirement, i have no option to use access or later versions of excel for the output. 这是必需的,我没有选择将访问或更高版本的excel用于输出。 i have been searching for some time and can find many threads on different forums relating to the same or similar issues but nothing specific enough to meet my requirements or help me resolve the issue. 我已经搜寻了一段时间,可以在不同的论坛上找到许多与相同或相似问题相关的主题,但是没有足够的细节可以满足我的要求或帮助我解决该问题。

what happens is the code will work but slows noticeably after around 30000 rows. 发生的事情是该代码可以运行,但是在大约30000行之后速度明显降低。 i think the issue is the fact there are over 100 columns - i tested the code by selecting 6 or 7 columns and it returns a full dataset as required within an acceptable time period. 我认为问题是存在超过100列的事实-我通过选择6或7列测试了代码,并在可接受的时间内按要求返回了完整的数据集。

the code slows/hangs at the copyfromrecordset stage. 代码在copyfromrecordset阶段变慢/挂起。 if i break out of the code an error (-2147467259; Method 'CopyFromRecordset' of object 'Range' failed) is given but the code hasn't actually failed (yet), ie it can be continued without major issues. 如果我超出代码范围,则会给出错误(-2147467259;对象“ Range”的方法“ CopyFromRecordset”失败),但代码实际上尚未失败(尚未),即可以继续进行而不会出现重大问题。

i have not been able to complete the code for the full recordset and the longest i have let it run (2 hours) only completed around 50% - 60%. 我无法完成完整记录集的代码,而我让它运行的最长时间(2小时)仅完成了大约50%-60%。

can anybody shed any light on how i might be able to negate the problem with the process as it stands grinding to a painfully slow pace or suggest another method i might use? 有人能阐明我如何解决该过程中存在的问题,因为它的步伐缓慢而缓慢,或者建议我使用其他方法吗? any help/suggestions gratefully appreciated 任何帮助/建议表示感谢

Sub DATA_Import(Frequency As String)

Dim sCon As String                  ' building string for the connection property
Dim sSQL As String                  ' building string for the SQL property
Dim rsData As ADODB.Recordset       ' reference made to latest ADO library - 2.8
Dim cnxEWMS As ADODB.Connection     ' reference made to latest ADO library - 2.8
Dim lWScount As Long
Dim lRow As Long, lCol As Long      ' holders for last row & col in data
Dim c As Range                      ' identifies where flags data begins - should be constant but you never know!
Dim Cx As Long                      ' for looping through the flags columns to change blanks to 0
Dim wbNew As Workbook               ' the final destination file!
Dim sFileDate As String             ' the date for naming the output file
Dim wsNotes As Worksheet            ' notes sheets for product
Dim wsCover As Worksheet            ' cover sheet for product


' using windows authentication
' won't work where user is not listed on SQL server
sCon = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;" & _
        "Data Source=SOMESERVER;" & _
        "Initial Catalog=SomeDatabase;" & _
        "Integrated Security=SSPI"

' identify frequecy for reporting and build SQL
' daily data is live records only
If Frequency = "daily" Then
    sSQL = "SELECT * " & _
            "FROM tblMainTabWithFlagsDaily " & _
            "WHERE status='LIVE';"
    'weekly - all records split over multiple sheets
    sSQL = "SELECT *" & _
            "FROM tblMainTabWithFlagsDaily;"
End If

' create and open the connection to the database
Set cnxEWMS = New ADODB.Connection
With cnxEWMS
    .Provider = "SQLOLEDB;"
    .ConnectionString = sCon
End With

' create and open the recordset
Set rsData = New ADODB.Recordset
rsData.Open sSQL, cnxEWMS, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly

With Application
    ' if construct used for debugging/testing when called from module1
    If Not TestCaller Then
        .ScreenUpdating = False
    End If
    .Calculation = xlCalculationManual
End With

    If Not rsData.EOF Then
        ' create header row 'dummy' sheet
        For lCol = 0 To rsData.Fields.Count - 1
            With Worksheets("Headings").Range("A1")
                .Offset(0, lCol).Value = rsData.Fields(lCol).Name
            End With

        Set c = Worksheets("Headings").Rows("1:1").Cells.Find("warrflag_recno")

        ' copy data into workbook and format accordingly
        Do While Not rsData.EOF

            If wbNew Is Nothing Then
                ' create the new "product" workbook
                Set wbNew = ActiveWorkbook
                lWScount = wbNew.Worksheets.Count
                ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Headings").Copy after:=wbNew.Worksheets(lWScount)
            End If

            With wbNew.Worksheets(lWScount + 1)
                .UsedRange.Font.Bold = True
                If Frequency = "daily" Then
                    .Name = "Live" & Format(lWScount + 1, "0#")    ' shouldn't need numerous sheets for live data - ave 15k - 16k records
                    .Name = "Split" & Format(lWScount + 1, "0#")
                End If

            ' THE REASON WE'RE ALL HERE!!!
            ' copy from recordset in batches of 55000 records
            ' this keeps hanging, presumably because of number of columns
            ' reducing columns to 6 or 7 runs fine and quickly
            .Range("A2").CopyFromRecordset rsData, 55000

        ' the remainder of the code is removed 
        ' as it is just formatting and creating notes 
        ' and cover sheets and then saving

' tidy up!
With Application
    .DisplayAlerts = True
    .ScreenUpdating = True
    .Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
End With

Set rsData = Nothing
Set cnxEWMS = Nothing
Set c = Nothing
Set wsNotes = Nothing
Set wsCover = Nothing

End Sub

You can usually get quite a reasonable speed with ADODB like so: 通常,使用ADODB可以获得相当合理的速度,如下所示:

''The data source z:\docs\test.accdb is not used, it is only there to get a 
''working string.
strCon = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=z:\docs\test.accdb"

cn.Open strCon

''This selects into an existing workbook with a new sheet name, any name that does
''not already exist will work. The ODBC connection to SQL Server is whatever you 
''use for ODBC connection.
ssql = "SELECT * INTO [Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;DATABASE=Z:\Docs\Test.xlsx].[Sheet7] " _
     & "FROM [ODBC;DRIVER=SQL Server Native Client 11.0;SERVER=localhost\SQLEXPRESS; " _
     & "DATABASE=MyDB;Trusted_Connection=Yes;].MyTable"

cn.Execute ssql

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