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[英]How do I add custom functionality to my CKEditor plugin?

I created CKEditor plugin that has some tabs and on each tab there is a different iframe. 我创建了CKEditor插件,其中包含一些标签,并且每个标签上都有一个不同的iframe。 In those iframes are tables that have titles of some content on the site. 在这些iframe中,表中包含网站上某些内容的标题。 I want to be able to click on a table row and have it insert the title of the clicked item. 我希望能够单击表格行,并使其插入被单击项的标题。

The problem is I can't figure out how to add that kind of custom javascript to the plugin. 问题是我不知道如何将这种自定义javascript添加到插件中。 I have the plugin.js which adds the init function for adding the button which when clicked executes the command to add the dialog window. 我有plugin.js,它添加​​了用于添加按钮的init函数,该函数在单击时执行命令以添加对话框窗口。 Then in my myDialog.js I have the dialog window defined as such: 然后在myDialog.js中,我将对话框窗口定义为:

CKEDITOR.dialog.add( 'addLinkDialog', function( editor ) {
  return {
    title: 'Links',
    minWidth: 800,
    minHeight: 600,
    contents: [
        id : 'articlesTab',
        label : Drupal.t('Articles'),
        title : Drupal.t('Articles'),
        elements : [
      /* {
            id : 'articlenid',
            type : 'text',
            label : Drupal.t('Article Node ID')
          }, */
            type : 'html',
            html : '<iframe src="/links/articles?link=1" style="width:900px; height:600px;"></iframe>',
        id : 'menuTab',
        label : Drupal.t('Menu Items'),
        title : Drupal.t('Menu Items'),
        elements : [
            type : 'html',
            html : '<div>MENU TEST</div>',
        id : 'videosTab',
        label : Drupal.t('Videos'),
        title : Drupal.t('Videos'),
        elements : [
            type : 'html',
            html : '<div>VIDEOS TEST</div>',
    onOk: function() {
      var editor = this.getParentEditor();
      // var content = this.getValueOf( 'articlesTab', 'articlenid' );
      // alert(content);

I know that my onOk works when I click the button on the dialog window, but I'm just not sure how to grab information from the iframe, and where a function like that should go (in my plugin.js or myDialog.js?). 我知道当我单击对话框窗口上的按钮时,我的onOk可以工作,但是我不确定如何从iframe中获取信息,以及类似的功能应该放在哪里(在我的plugin.js或myDialog.js中? )。


$(".videoUrlInput", parent.document).find('input.cke_dialog_ui_input_text').val(assetUrl);

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