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Jquery Cookies到期时间

[英]Jquery Cookies expiration Time

I'm using this code to show two different DIV using jquery cookies. 我正在使用此代码使用jquery cookie显示两个不同的DIV。

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function showevent() {
      $(window).load(function() {
      if ($.cookie('MYCOOKIEVALUE') != '1'){

      jQuery.cookie('MYCOOKIEVALUE', '1', { expires: 31}); 
      }, 1000);}

      if ($.cookie('MYCOOKIEVALUE') == '1'){

I just need to modify the expiration time to 10 minutes using the exact code above. 我只需要使用上面的确切代码将到期时间修改为10分钟。 Still very new in javascript and jquery ;( Any help please 在javascript和jquery中还是非常新的;(请帮忙

To do such specific timing you will need to use Javascript's built in Date object, like so: 要做这样的特定时间,你需要使用Javascript的内置Date对象,如下所示:

var date = new Date();
date.setTime(date.getTime() + (10 * 60 * 1000));

This works in milliseconds, so 1000 seconds x 60 seconds per minute x 10 minutes total, then change the line in your script above to use the new expiration date: 这可以在几毫秒内完成,所以1000秒×60秒/分钟×10分钟,然后更改上面脚本中的行以使用新的到期日期:

jQuery.cookie('MYCOOKIEVALUE', '1', { expires: date}); 

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