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[英]Set TextView from AsyncTask

I have a Activity which is called SpotDetails, in the onCreate i starts a AsyncTask in another activity. 我有一个称为SpotDetails的Activity ,在onCreate我在另一个活动中启动了AsyncTask The AsyncTask then downloads and parses an xml file and the result should be outputted into a TextView in the SpotDetails Activity . 然后, AsyncTask下载并解析一个xml文件,结果应输出到SpotDetails ActivityTextView中。

How do i accomplish this ? 我该如何完成? Snippet from main class (SpotDetails) : 主类的片段(SpotDetails):

public TextView TextView_WindStrenghFromVindsiden, spoTextView;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    //Recive intent
    Intent intent = getIntent();
    //Set strings to information from the intent

    //Create a intance of Place with information
    place = vindsiden.createSted(intent.getStringExtra("StedsNavn"));
    //   TextView spoTextView = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.spot_overview_WindDegreesForeCastFromYRinfo);

    spoTextView = (TextView)findViewById(R.id.spot_overview_WindDegreesForeCastFromYRinfo);

    String URL = place.getNB_url();
    DomXMLParser domXMLParser = new DomXMLParser();

    domXMLParser.DownloadXML(URL, this);


Snippet from AsyncTask (DomXMLParser.java) : 来自AsyncTask (DomXMLParser.java)的代码段:

 TextView tv;

    protected void onPreExecute() {

        tv = (TextView) spotDetails.findViewById(R.id.spot_overview_WindDegreesForeCastFromYRinfo);
        // Create a progressbar

-----Snippet from onPostExecute -----摘自onPostExecute


Exception : http://pastebin.com/WEqSdc1t 例外: http//pastebin.com/WEqSdc1t

(StackOwerflow woth recognize my Exception as code. ) (StackOwerflow可以将我的异常识别为代码。)

Don't put your AsyncTask in another activity. 不要将您的AsyncTask放在另一个活动中。 If you have AsyncTask s you are using in various places, you can either put them in a utility class or declare them in their own files. 如果您有在不同地方使用的AsyncTask ,则可以将它们放在实用程序类中或在它们自己的文件中声明。 If you have an AsyncTask which modifies the UI of only one activity, it should be declared in that activity. 如果您有一个AsyncTask只能修改一个活动的UI,则应在该活动中声明它。 If the AsyncTask is used by multiple activities, then you could pass the Activity in the constructor, store it as a private field, and resolve the views in onPostExecute() : 如果AsyncTask由多个活动使用,则可以在构造函数中传递Activity ,将其存储为私有字段,然后在onPostExecute()解析视图:

class MyAsyncTask extends AsyncTask... {
    WeakReference<Activity> mActivity;

    public MyAsyncTask( Activity activity ) {
        mActivity = new WeakReference<Activity>( activity );


    public void onPostExecute(...) {
        Activity act = mActivity.get();
        if( act != null ) {
            TextView tv = act.findViewById( ...id... );
            tv.setText( "Hello World" );
        } else {
            // the Activity was destroyed


Note: I'm using a WeakReference there which will help alleviate most issues with long running AsyncTasks. 注意:我在此处使用WeakReference,这将有助于缓解长期运行的AsyncTasks的大多数问题。

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