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iOS-解雇其他View Controller后立即显示View Controller

[英]iOS - Present View controller immediately after dismissing an other view controller

I have three View Controller VC1,VC2 and VC3. 我有三个View Controller VC1,VC2和VC3。

VC2 is of a 3rd party library and it is presented on VC1. VC2是第三方库,在VC1上提供。

Then VC2 dismissed itself and send a callback to VC1 and VC1 try to present VC3 on itself but failed. 然后,VC2退出自身,并向VC1发送回调,而VC1尝试在其自身上显示VC3,但失败了。

Is there some way to present VC3 immediately after dismissing VC2 ? 退出VC2之后,有什么方法可以立即显示VC3吗?


    MessageVC *messageVC = [[MessageVC alloc] initWithNibName:@"MessageVC" bundle:nil];
    [self.navigationController presentViewController:messageVC animated:YES completion:NULL];


Unfortunately I can not use ^completion block of dismissing presented viewcontroller in VC2 because I am just receiving a callback to this method and can't edit code of VC2. 不幸的是,我无法在VC2中使用^completion块来消除提供的viewcontroller,因为我刚刚收到此方法的回调,并且无法编辑VC2的代码。

I know we all always put nil for the completion block... but it actually does have some use. 我知道我们所有人都总是将nil作为完成代码...但是它确实有一些用处。 I assure you. 我向你保证。

[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:^{
    //code to be executed with the dismissal is completed
    // for example, presenting a vc or performing a segue

This is the one I use to dismiss a Facebook login view controller. 这是我用来关闭Facebook登录视图控制器的那个。

UIViewController *theTrick = self.presentingViewController;
UIViewController *toPresent = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"toPresentViewController"];

[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:^{
    [theTrick presentViewController:toPresent animated:YES completion:nil];

Thanks for help guys. 感谢您的帮助。 Adding a little bit delay before presenting VC3 solved the problem. 在介绍VC3之前添加一点延迟即可解决此问题。


[self performSelector:@selector(presentMessageVC) withObject:self afterDelay:1];



MessageVC *messageVC = [[MessageVC alloc] initWithNibName:@"MessageVC" bundle:nil];
[self.navigationController presentViewController:messageVC animated:YES completion:NULL];


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