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在 C++ 中将字符串转换为数字

[英]Converting a string to a number in C++

I'm seeing a lot of options for converting a string to a number in C++.我看到了很多在 C++ 中将字符串转换为数字的选项。

Some of which are actually recommending the use of standard C functions such as atoi and atof .其中一些实际上是推荐使用标准 C 函数,例如atoiatof

I have not seen anyone suggesting the following option, which relies solely on C++ STL:我没有看到有人建议以下选项,它完全依赖于 C++ STL:

int Str2Num(const string& str) // can be called with a 'char*' argument as well
    int num;
    return num;

Or more generally:或更一般地说:

template <typename type>
type Str2Num(const string& str) // can be called with a 'char*' argument as well
    type num;
    return num;

What are the disadvantages in the above implementation?上述实现的缺点是什么?

Is there a simpler / cleaner way to achieve this conversion?是否有更简单/更清洁的方法来实现这种转换?

Since C++11, we have hadstd::stoi :从 C++11 开始,我们就有了std::stoi


There is also std::stol and std::stoll .还有std::stolstd::stoll

In there's a number of numeric conversion functions defined in the std::string class itself:中, std::string类本身定义了许多数值转换函数:

Numeric conversions数值转换
stoi (C++11)标准 (C++11)
stol (C++11)斯托尔 (C++11)
stoll (C++11)斯托尔 (C++11)

converts a string to a signed integer将字符串转换为有符号整数

stoul (C++11)斯托尔 (C++11)
stoull (C++11)斯托尔 (C++11)

converts a string to an unsigned integer将字符串转换为无符号整数

stof (C++11)存储 (C++11)
stod (C++11)标准 (C++11)
stold (C++11)出售 (C++11)

converts a string to a floating point value将字符串转换为浮点值

As for pre c++11 standards, I can't see any disadvantages from your template function sample.至于 c++11 之前的标准,我从您的模板函数示例中看不到任何缺点。

你可以使用转换函数 Strtol() Strtoul() 但是在 C++11 中,你已经得到了上面的答案。

#include <sstream>
template <typename T>
inline bool StringToNumber(const std::string& sString, T &tX)
    std::istringstream iStream(sString);
    return !(iStream >> tX).fail();not

Then call然后打电话

double num{};
StringToNumber(std::string{"580.8"}, num);

float fnum{};
StringToNumber(std::string{"5e+1.0"}, fnum);

 #include <iostream> #include <string> int main() { std::string str = "123"; int num; // using stoi() to store the value of str1 to x num = std::stoi(str); std::cout << num; return 0; }

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