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[英]Finding the right partition using the lag window function

I have daily timeseries for different companies from different industries and work with PostgreSQL. 我每天为来自不同行业的不同公司提供时间序列,并使用PostgreSQL。 I start right with an example to explain my problem. 我从一个例子开始,来解释我的问题。 What I have is this: 我所拥有的是:

|    day     | company | industry    | v  |
| 2012-01-12 | A       | consumer    | 2  |
| 2012-01-12 | B       | consumer    | 2  |
| 2012-01-12 | C       | health      | 4  |
| 2012-01-12 | D       | health      | 4  |
| 2012-01-13 | A       | consumer    | 5  |
| 2012-01-13 | B       | consumer    | 5  |
| 2012-01-13 | C       | health      | 7  |
| 2012-01-13 | D       | health      | 7  |
| 2012-01-16 | A       | consumer    | 8  |
| 2012-01-16 | B       | consumer    | 8  |
| 2012-01-16 | C       | health      | 3  |
| 2012-01-16 | D       | health      | 3  |

There are different companies from different industries with some value v as daily average across industries. 不同行业的公司不同,某些行业的日平均价值为v。 What I would need is this: 我需要的是:

|    day     | company | industry | v | delta_v    |
| 2012-01-12 | A       | consumer | 2 | NULL       |
| 2012-01-12 | B       | consumer | 2 | NULL       |
| 2012-01-12 | C       | health   | 4 | NULL       |
| 2012-01-12 | D       | health   | 4 | NULL       |
| 2012-01-13 | A       | consumer | 5 | 1.5        |
| 2012-01-13 | B       | consumer | 5 | 1.5        |
| 2012-01-13 | C       | health   | 7 | 0.75       |
| 2012-01-13 | D       | health   | 7 | 0.75       |
| 2012-01-16 | A       | consumer | 8 | 0.6        |
| 2012-01-16 | B       | consumer | 8 | 0.6        |
| 2012-01-16 | C       | health   | 3 | -0.571428  |
| 2012-01-16 | D       | health   | 3 | -0.571428  |

I need the daily change of variable v. For example the average value for v for industry "consumer" on 2012-01-12 is 2 and on 2012-01-13 it is 5. Thus the growth is (5-2)/2 = 1.5. 我需要变量v的每日变化。例如,行业“消费者”在2012年1月12日的平均值为2,在2012年1月13日为5。因此,增长率为(5-2)/ 2 = 1.5。

I tried this: 我尝试了这个:

    SELECT * 
           , (v - LAG(v) OVER (PARTITION BY industry ORDER BY day) )
           / LAG (v) OVER (PARTITION BY industry ORDER BY day) AS delta_v
    FROM mytable
    ORDER BY day, industry

The problem is it computes the change in value v also "intra-days", if there is more than one company from the same industry on one day. 问题是,如果同一天有来自同一行业的多家公司,那么它也会“在几天内”计算出价值的变化v。

I hope it just needs a small correction in the "PARTITION BY" - clause, but I really can't figure out how to do it. 我希望只需要在“ PARTITION BY”-子句中进行一些更正,但我真的不知道该怎么做。 Do you have any ideas that can help me? 您有什么想法可以帮助我吗?

I think you want the company in there too: 我认为您也希望公司也在那里:

       ((v - LAG(v) OVER (PARTITION BY industry, company ORDER BY day) )
        / LAG (v) OVER (PARTITION BY industry, company ORDER BY day)
       ) AS delta_v
FROM mytable t
ORDER BY day, industry;

I'm not sure if Postgres actually calculates the lag() twice, but this is easier to maintain: 我不确定Postgres是否实际计算lag()两次,但这更易于维护:

       (v / LAG(v) OVER (PARTITION BY industry, company ORDER BY day) ) - 1
       ) AS delta_v
FROM mytable t
ORDER BY day, industry;

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