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[英]execute function when certain slide appear in reveal.js

I create a presentation with this javascript framework http://lab.hakim.se/reveal-js/#/ and when certain slide is appearing I want to execute function stats(), which display some data from API every 5 seconds, but only when this slide is appearing 我使用这个javascript框架http://lab.hakim.se/reveal-js/#/创建了一个演示文稿,当出现某个幻灯片时,我想执行函数stats(),它每隔5秒显示一次来自API的数据,但是仅当此幻灯片出现时

function stats(){                
    type: "GET",
    url: url_survey,
    dataType: "json",
    success : 
      function (data) {
      //some code to display data       
      //some code

in HTML file I have this: 在HTML文件中我有这个:

<div id="stats">

how can I do it? 我该怎么做? I wrote this code, but it works always, not only when slide appear 我编写了这段代码,但它始终有效,不仅在幻灯片出现时

function check(){

setInterval(function(){check()}, 2000);

This can be achieved by using reveal.js states ( https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js#states ). 这可以通过使用reveal.js状态( https://github.com/hakimel/reveal.js#states )来实现。

1) Add a unique state to the section that should trigger your method. 1)向应触发方法的部分添加唯一状态。

<section data-state="stats">
    <h2>This will trigger a state event with the name "stats".</h2>

2) Add a listener to your custom state using the reveal.js API. 2)使用reveal.js API将侦听器添加到自定义状态。

Reveal.addEventListener( 'stats', function() {
    // Called each time the slide with the "stats" state is made visible
} );

Complete working example: https://gist.github.com/hakimel/cea4305a33713d4a5a7e 完整的工作示例: https//gist.github.com/hakimel/cea4305a33713d4a5a7e

To answer Philippe Leefsma's question: you can use bind() to pass arguments, like so: 回答Philippe Leefsma的问题:您可以使用bind()传递参数,如下所示:


Assuming drawDiagramOnSlide looks like this: 假设drawDiagramOnSlide看起来像这样:

function drawDiagramOnSlide(_slideName, _diagramEl, _event) {...}

The bind call will create a function that calls drawDiagramOnSlide with the correct slide name and element (in my case, a div with class diagram inside the slide ). bind调用将创建一个函数,该函数使用正确的幻灯片名称和元素调用drawDiagramOnSlide(在我的例子中,幻灯片中包含类图的div)。

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