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Ext js网格删除选择模型

[英]Ext js grid remove selection model

I have a situation where I need to dynamically add or remove grids selection model. 我有一种情况需要动态添加或删除网格选择模型。

Searching the documentation I see that the selection model doesn't have a destroy() method or anything similar. 搜索文档我发现选择模型没有destroy()方法或类似的东西。 How can I remove or destroy a selection model from a grid in ext js 4.x.? 如何从ext js 4.x中的网格中删除或销毁选择模型?

If this is not possible I still have an option to revert some functionallity and dynamically add the selection model to an already created grid. 如果这是不可能的,我仍然可以选择恢复某些功能并动态地将选择模型添加到创建的网格中。 But I'm also not sure if this is possible. 但我也不确定这是否可行。

I'd suggest to disable the selection model instead of destroying it. 我建议禁用选择模型而不是销毁它。

You can clear the current selection ( deselectAll ) and lock the selection model to prevent further selection ( setLocked ): 您可以清除当前选择( deselectAll )并锁定选择模型以防止进一步选择( setLocked ):


As you're using a checkbox selection model, you'll also need to hide the corresponding column which is added to the grid: 当您使用复选框选择模型时,您还需要隐藏添加到网格中的相应列:


Selection models are not designed to be replaced, so... it's gonna be complicated! 选择模型不是为了替换而设计的,所以...它会变得复杂!

You'd have to reproduce the initialization of the sel model, unwire the previous one, and rewire the new one... 你必须重现sel模型的初始化,取消前一个模型,然后重新连接新模型......

Here's an example that works in substituting a row selection model for a checkbox model. 这是一个用于将行选择模型替换为复选框模型的示例 It may still contains memory leaks from listeners registered by the first selection model that I would have forgot. 它可能仍然包含我将忘记的第一个选择模型注册的侦听器的内存泄漏。 The creation of the new selection model relies on the getSelectionModel method of the grid, which implements the disableSelection , simpleSelect , and multiSelect options of the grid ( see the code ). 新的选择模型的生成依赖于getSelectionModel电网,它实现了的方法disableSelectionsimpleSelect ,和multiSelect格栅的选项( 见代码 )。

Ext.widget('grid', {
    renderTo: Ext.getBody()
    ,store: ['Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz']
    ,selType: 'checkboxmodel'
    ,columns: [{
        dataIndex: 'field1'
        ,text: "Name"
    ,listeners: {
        selectionchange: function(sm, records) {
            var grid = sm.view.up(),
                item = grid.down('tbtext');
            if (records.length) {
                    'Selection: ' + Ext.pluck(Ext.pluck(records, 'data'), 'field1').join(', ')
            } else {
                item.setText('No selection');
    ,tbar: [{
        text: "Replace selection model"
        ,handler: function(button) {
            var grid = button.up('grid'),
                headerCt = grid.headerCt,
                checkColumn = headerCt.down('[isCheckerHd]'),
                view = grid.view,
                previous = grid.selModel,
            // try to clean up
            // sel model doesn't clear the listeners it has installed in its
            // destroy method... you'll have to chase the listeners that are
            // installed by the specific type of sel model you're using
            if (previous.onRowMouseDown) {
                view.un('itemmousedown', previous.onRowMouseDown, previous);
            if (previous.onRowClick) {
                view.un('itemclick', previous.onRowClick, previous);
            // clear references
            delete grid.selModel;
            delete view.selModel;
            // create another selModel
            grid.selType = 'rowmodel';
            //grid.disableSelection = true;
            sm = grid.getSelectionModel();
            // assign new sel model
            view.selModel = sm;
            sm.view = view;
            // remove checkbox model column
            if (checkColumn) {
            // init sel model is trigerred in view render events, so we must do it
            // now if the view is already rendered
            if (view.rendered) {
            // finally, refresh the view
    // a place to display selection
    ,bbar: [{
        xtype: 'tbtext'
        ,text: 'No selection'

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