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[英]consecutive days in sql

I found many stackoverflow QnAs about consecutive days. 我发现连续几天有很多stackoverflow QnAs。
Still answers are too short for me to understand what's going on. 仍然答案太短,我无法理解发生了什么。

For concreteness, I'll make up a model (or a table) 为了具体,我会组成一个模型(或一个表)
(I'm using postgresql if it makes a difference.) (如果它有所作为,我正在使用postgresql。)

    id integer NOT NULL,
    user_id integer NOT NULL,
    arrived_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL

insert into work(user_id, arrived_at) values(1, '01/03/2011');
insert into work(user_id, arrived_at) values(1, '01/04/2011');
  1. (In simplest form) For a given user, I want to find the last-consecutive date range. (最简单的形式)对于给定的用户,我想找到最后连续的日期范围。

  2. (My ultimate goal) For a given user, I want to find his consecutive working days. (我的最终目标)对于给定的用户,我想找到他连续的工作日。
    If he came to work yesterday, he still(as of today) has chance of working consecutive days. 如果他昨天来上班,他仍然(截至今天)有连续工作的机会。 So I show him consecutive days upto yesterday. 所以我昨天连续几天告诉他。
    But if he missed yesterday, his consecutive days is either 0 or 1 depending on whether he came today or not. 但如果他昨天错过了,他的连续几天是0或1,取决于他今天是否来。

Say today is 8th day. 今天说是第8天。

3 * 5 6 7 * = 3 days (5 to 7)
3 * 5 6 7 8 = 4 days (5 to 8)
3 4 5 * 7 * = 1 day (7 to 7)
3 * * * * * = 0 day 
3 * * * * 8 = 1 day (8 to 8)

Here is my solution to this problem using CTE 这是我使用CTE解决这个问题的方法

WITH RECURSIVE CTE(attendanceDate)
      SELECT attendanceDate FROM attendance WHERE attendanceDate = current_date 
      OR attendanceDate = current_date - INTERVAL '1 day' 
      ORDER BY attendanceDate DESC
      LIMIT 1
   ) tab

   SELECT a.attendanceDate  FROM attendance a
   ON a.attendanceDate = c.attendanceDate - INTERVAL '1 day'

Check the code at SQL Fiddle 检查SQL Fiddle的代码

Here is how the query is working: 以下是查询的工作方式:

  1. It selects today's record from attendance table. 它从attendance表中选择今天的记录。 If today's record is not available then it selects yesterday's record 如果今天的记录不可用,那么它会选择昨天的记录
  2. It then keeps adding recursively record a day before the least date 然后它会在最少日期之前的一天继续添加递归记录

If you want to select latest consecutive date range irrespective of when was user's latest attendance(today, yesterday or x days before), then the initialization part of CTE must be replaced by below snippet: 如果您想选择最新的连续日期范围而不管用户最近的出勤时间(今天,昨天或前几天),则CTE的初始化部分必须替换为以下片段:

SELECT MAX(attendanceDate) FROM attendance

[EDIT] Here is query at SQL Fiddle which resolves your question#1: SQL Fiddle [编辑]这是SQL Fiddle的查询,它解决了你的问题#1: SQL小提琴

-- some data
CREATE table dayworked (
        , user_id INTEGER NOT NULL
        ,  arrived_at DATE NOT NULL
        , UNIQUE (user_id,  arrived_at)

INSERT INTO dayworked(user_id, arrived_at) VALUES
 ( 1, '2014-02-03')
,( 1, '2014-02-05')
,( 1, '2014-02-06')
,( 1, '2014-02-07')
,( 2, '2014-02-03')
,( 2, '2014-02-05')
,( 2, '2014-02-06')
,( 2, '2014-02-07')
,( 2, '2014-02-08')
,( 3, '2014-02-03')
,( 3, '2014-02-04')
,( 3, '2014-02-05')
,( 3, '2014-02-07')
,( 5, '2014-02-08')

-- The query
        SELECT dw.user_id AS user_id
                , dw.arrived_at AS first_day
                , dw.arrived_at AS last_day
                , 1::INTEGER AS nday
        FROM dayworked dw
        WHERE NOT EXISTS ( -- Find start of chain: no previous day
                SELECT * FROM dayworked nx
                WHERE nx.user_id = dw.user_id
                AND nx. arrived_at = dw.arrived_at -1
        UNION ALL
        SELECT dw.user_id AS user_id
                , st.first_day AS first_day
                , dw.arrived_at AS last_day
                , 1+st.nday AS nday
        FROM dayworked dw -- connect to chain: previous day := day before this day
        JOIN stretch st ON st.user_id = dw.user_id AND st.last_day = dw.arrived_at -1
SELECT * FROM stretch st
WHERE (st.nday > 1 OR st.first_day = NOW()::date ) -- either more than one consecutive dat or starting today
AND NOT EXISTS ( -- Only the most recent stretch
        SELECT * FROM stretch nx
        WHERE nx.user_id = st .user_id
        AND nx.first_day > st.first_day
AND NOT EXISTS ( -- omit partial chains
        SELECT * FROM stretch nx
        WHERE nx.user_id = st .user_id
        AND nx.first_day = st.first_day
        AND nx.last_day > st.last_day

Result: 结果:

 user_id | first_day  |  last_day  | nday 
       1 | 2014-02-05 | 2014-02-07 |    3
       2 | 2014-02-05 | 2014-02-08 |    4
(2 rows)

You can create an aggregate with the range types: 您可以使用范围类型创建聚合:

Create function sfunc (tstzrange, timestamptz)
    returns tstzrange
    language sql strict as $$
        select case when $2 - upper($1) <= '1 day'::interval
                then tstzrange(lower($1), $2, '[]')
                else tstzrange($2, $2, '[]') end

Create aggregate consecutive (timestamptz) (
        sfunc = sfunc,
        stype = tstzrange,
        initcond = '[,]'

Use the aggregate with the right order the get the consecutive day range for the last arrived_at: 使用具有正确顺序的聚合获得最后到达的get_at的连续日期范围:

Select user_id, consecutive(arrived_at order by arrived_at)
    from work
    group by user_id;

    │ user_id │                     consecutive                     │
    │       1 │ ["2011-01-03 00:00:00+02","2011-01-05 00:00:00+02"] │
    │       2 │ ["2011-01-06 00:00:00+02","2011-01-06 00:00:00+02"] │

Use the aggregate in a window function: 在窗口函数中使用聚合:

Select *,
                over (partition by user_id order by arrived_at)
    from work;

    │ id │ user_id │       arrived_at       │                     consecutive                     │
    │  1 │       1 │ 2011-01-03 00:00:00+02 │ ["2011-01-03 00:00:00+02","2011-01-03 00:00:00+02"] │
    │  2 │       1 │ 2011-01-04 00:00:00+02 │ ["2011-01-03 00:00:00+02","2011-01-04 00:00:00+02"] │
    │  3 │       1 │ 2011-01-05 00:00:00+02 │ ["2011-01-03 00:00:00+02","2011-01-05 00:00:00+02"] │
    │  4 │       2 │ 2011-01-06 00:00:00+02 │ ["2011-01-06 00:00:00+02","2011-01-06 00:00:00+02"] │

Query the results to find what you need: 查询结果以找到您需要的内容:

With work_detail as (select *,
                    over (partition by user_id order by arrived_at)
        from work)
    select arrived_at, upper(consecutive) - lower(consecutive) as days
        from work_detail
            where user_id = 1 and upper(consecutive) != lower(consecutive)
            order by arrived_at desc
                limit 1;

    │       arrived_at       │  days  │
    │ 2011-01-05 00:00:00+02 │ 2 days │

You can even do this without a recursive CTE: 你甚至可以在没有递归CTE的情况下做到这一点:
with generate_series() , LEFT JOIN , row_count() and a final LIMIT 1 : 使用generate_series()LEFT JOINrow_count()和最终的LIMIT 1

1 for "today" plus consecutive days up until "yesterday": 1为“今天”加上连续几天直到“昨天”:

SELECT count(*)   -- 1 / 0  for "today"
     + COALESCE(( -- + optional count of consecutive days up until "yesterday"
       SELECT ct
       FROM  (
          SELECT d.ct, count(w.arrived_at) OVER (ORDER BY d.ct) AS day_ct
          FROM   generate_series(1, 8) AS d(ct)   -- maximum = 8
          LEFT   JOIN work w ON  w.arrived_at >= current_date -  d.ct
                             AND w.arrived_at <  current_date - (d.ct - 1)
                             AND w.user_id = 1    -- given user
          ) sub
       WHERE  ct = day_ct
       ORDER  BY ct DESC
       LIMIT  1
       ), 0) AS total
FROM   work
WHERE  arrived_at >= current_date  -- no future timestamps
AND    user_id = 1                 -- given user

Assuming 0 or 1 entry per day. 假设每天0或1次进入。 Should be fast. 应该快。

For best performance (for this or the CTE solution alike) you would have a multicolumn index like: 为获得最佳性能(对于此类或CTE解决方案),您将拥有一个多列索引,如:

CREATE INDEX foo_idx ON work (user_id,arrived_at);

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