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[英]What is the meaning of a <CR> at the end of some vim mappings?

我看<cr> sa在VIM映射很多,但它有什么作用?

:help key-notation

says: 说:

notation    meaning            equivalent  decimal    value(s)
<CR>        carriage return        CTRL-M    13       *carriage-return*
<Return>    same as <CR>                              *<Return>*
<Enter>     same as <CR>                              *<Enter>*

Mappings often involve Ex commands and you must press <CR> to execute them so it's included in the mapping. 映射通常涉及Ex命令,您必须按<CR>才能执行它们,因此它包含在映射中。

Why <special keys> ? 为什么<special keys>

While you can use literal keys in mapping definitions (the Enter key would appear as ^M , or even just as an additional new line, depending on the settings), Vim provides a special key notation for key (combinations), so that it is easier to define (you don't have to use i_CTRL-V to literally insert the special character) and understand ( <Aa> better expresses the intention than the equivalent á ) the mappings. 虽然你可以在映射定义中使用文字键(Enter键显示为^M ,或者甚至只是作为一个额外的新行,具体取决于设置),Vim为键(组合)提供了一个特殊的键符号,因此它是更容易定义(您不必使用i_CTRL-V来逐字插入特殊字符)并理解( <Aa>更好地表达意图而不是等效的á )映射。

See :help key-notation for a list and explanation. 请参阅:help key-notation以获取列表和说明。

Why <CR> ? 为什么<CR>

As many mappings invoke Ex commands (eg :w ) and therefore have to switch from normal to command-line mode, they have to conclude the command with <Enter> (or <CR> ), just as you would when manually typing the command. 由于许多映射调用Ex命令(例如:w ),因此必须从正常模式切换到命令行模式,因此必须使用<Enter> (或<CR> )结束命令,就像手动键入命令时一样。

vim映射中的<CR>回车 ,通常是键盘上的Enter键。

<CR> in a mapping corresponds to the Enter key just like a in a mapping corresponds to the A key. <CR>在映射对应于就像回车a在映射对应于一个关键。 Ley's say you have this mapping 莱伊说你有这个映射

:map <f8> :wq<cr>

This will map F8 to the key sequence : W Q Enter (which would save the current buffer and quit). 这会将F8映射到键序列 W Q Enter (将保存当前缓冲区并退出)。

It's basically a means to say "this is the end", see map : 它基本上是一种说“这就是结束”的方法,见地图

When you have a mapping that contains an Ex command, you need to put a line terminator after it to have it executed. 如果您有一个包含Ex命令的映射,则需要在其后面添加一个行终止符以使其执行。 The use of is recommended for this. 建议使用此方法。 Example: 例:

:map _ls :!ls -l %<CR>:echo "the end"<CR>

also, 也,

<CR>    [count] lines downward, on the first non-blank character |linewise|.

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