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[英]how to recognize select2 dropdown and select2 multiselect seperatly

i have two controls one select2 dropdown and another jquery multi value select 我有两个控件,一个select2 dropdown ,另一个jquery multi value select

select2 dropdown select2下拉菜单

<select id="drp_me" class="select2-offscreen">
  <option value="1">one</option>
  <option value="2">two</option>
  <option value="3">three</option>

jquery multi value select jQuery多值选择

<select id="mult_val" class="span6 select2">
  <option value="1">ONE</option>
  <option value="2">TWO</option>
  <option value="3">THREE</option>

but the problem is when i am passing these Ids to JS function and trying to display it's type both are showing the type as select-one 但是问题是当我将这些Ids传递给JS函数并尝试显示其类型时,两者都将该类型显示为select-one


function displayType(id) // id = mult_val or drp_me
  var control=document.getElementById(id);
  console.log(control.type); // both controls showing as `select-one`

i am using jquery plugins for both controls select2 and multiSelect . 我正在为控件select2multiSelect使用jquery插件。 basically both are same select control (select). 基本上两者都是相同的选择控件(select)。 but physically they are different. 但实际上它们是不同的。 how i can differ these controls through code??

Have you tried adding multiple='multiple' to mult_val ? 您是否尝试过将mult_val multiple='multiple'添加到mult_val Because from your markup they are both single-select. 因为从您的标记来看,它们都是单选的。

You should use <select multiple> for multiselect box: 您应该对多选框使用<select multiple>

<select multiple id="mult_val" class="span6 select2">
  <option value="1">ONE</option>
  <option value="2">TWO</option>
  <option value="3">THREE</option>

You can identify the control by its IDs using "#", so for select2 you can use $('#drp_me')... and for multiselect you simply use its ID as above $('#mult_val')... 您可以使用“#”通过控件的ID来识别控件,因此对于select2而言,您可以使用$('#drp_me')...对于多选控件,您只需在$('#mult_val')以上使用控件的ID ...

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