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[英]How to add event listener to an element when it created with jquery

I'm trying to create and add event listener to a button in jquery. 我正在尝试创建事件监听器并将其添加到jquery中的按钮。 I'm able to achieve this, but What is my problem is that when I click any of the button in the form, this event is triggering. 我能够实现这一点,但我的问题是,当我单击表单中的任何按钮时,此事件就会触发。

here is my code: 这是我的代码:


function  secCheck(invoker) {
    var id = 'secModal', title = '<h3>Security Verification</h3>',
    body = $('<form/>').attr({'method': 'post', 'action': '', 'id': 'secCheck'}).append($('<div/>').addClass('form-group')
         .append($('<label/>').attr({'for': 'verPass'}).addClass('control-label').text('Please enter your password'), $('<input/>').attr({'type': 'password', 'id': 'verPass', 'name': 'verPass', 'value': '', 'placeholder': 'Enter your password'})
         .addClass('form-control'))), $('<div/>').addClass('form-group').append($('<div/>').addClass('col-lg-10 warning-mes')),$('<div/>').addClass('form-group').append($('<button/>').click(confCheck()).attr({'type': 'button', 'id': 'secCheckSubmit'}).addClass('btn btn-default').text('Submit')));
            createModal(id, title, body, invoker);       

function createModal(id, title, body, invoker) {
   var modal = $('<div/>').attr('id', id).addClass('modal fade')
       .append($('<button/>').attr({'data-dismiss': 'modal', 'area-hidden': true}).addClass('close').html('&times'), title), $('<div/>').addClass('modal-body').html(body), $('<div/>').addClass('modal-footer')
.append($('<button/>').attr({'type': 'button', 'data-dismiss': 'modal'}).addClass('btn btn-default').text('Close')))));
            if (!$('div#' + id).length) {
            showModal('#' + id, invoker);
function showModal(sId, invoker) {
    var $this = invoker;
    var id = sId;
    var $target = $(sId || (id && id.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, ''))); //strip for ie7
            var option = $target.data('modal') ? 'toggle' : $.extend({remote: !/#/.test(id) && id}, $target.data());

            this.modal = $target
                    .modal(option, this)
                    .one('hide', function() {
                        $this.is(':visible') && $this.focus();
function confCheck() {

This is how I did. 这就是我的方式。 But this was not producing the expected result as I stated above. 但是,如上所述,这并没有产生预期的结果。

Please anyone help me to solve this problem... 请有人帮我解决这个问题......

Edit 编辑

Fiddle 小提琴

You can use .appendTo() in this context 您可以在此上下文中使用.appendTo()

Try, 尝试,


it should be 它应该是


You need to pass a function reference as the parameter to click() , don't invloke it ans sent the result 您需要将函数引用作为参数传递给click() ,不要将其调用并发送结果

better you should give a class name for the newly created button and provide deligate for event listening 更好的是,您应该为新创建的按钮提供类名,并为事件监听提供详细信息

 $('#button').append($('<button/>', { class: "test" }));
        $("body").on("click", ".test", function () { });

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