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如果选中复选框,如何在SQL Server中为位类型字段插入1或0?

[英]How to insert 1 or 0 in Sql Server for bit type field if checkbox is checked?

I am trying to insert 1 or 0 in my SQL Server Database, and my data type is "bit". 我试图在我的SQL Server数据库中插入1或0,并且我的数据类型是“位”。 I have tried doing this but it says incorrect syntax near where- 我已经尝试过这样做,但是它在哪里说语法不正确-

dt=g1.ExecDB( insert into tbl ("check1,check2,check3") values('"
            + Convert.ToByte(check1.Checked) + "','"
            + Convert.ToByte(check2.Checked) + "','"
            + Convert.ToByte(check3.Checked) + "' ) )
              where loginname = '"+Session["log"].ToString() + "'"
            ) ;

Please Guide me where I am doing wrong? 请引导我我做错了什么?

Adding the name of your checkboxes inside the sql string cannot work, and of course neither calling Convert.ToByte on them. 将复选框的名称添加到sql字符串中是行不通的,当然也不能在它们上调用Convert.ToByte。 In this way you simple insert inside a string the name of your controls and the name of a function that should convert their values. 这样,您可以在字符串中简单插入控件的名称和应该转换其值的函数的名称。 But of course this is only an invalid SQL command for the sql parser of your database. 但这当然只是数据库的SQL解析器的无效SQL命令。

Instead you should try to resolve your problem creating a valid SQL command from your C# code. 相反,您应该尝试解决通过C#代码创建有效的SQL命令的问题。 This is an initial possible solution to your problem 这是您问题的初步解决方案

dt=g1.ExecDB("insert into tbl (check1,check2,check3) values(" + 
             (check1.Checked ? "1" : "0") + ", " + 
             (check2.Checked ? "1" : "0") + ", " + 
             (check3.Checked ? "1" : "0") + 
             ") where loginname='"+Session["log"].ToString()+"'");

but there is a big problem with the concatenation of Session["log"] . 但是Session["log"]的串联存在很大的问题。 Concatenating string values (probably setup by user input) to form a sql command is a very bad practice because it is vulnerable to Sql Injection . 连接字符串值(可能由用户输入设置)以形成sql命令是一种非常糟糕的做法,因为它容易受到Sql Injection的攻击。 So a change to the ExecDB to receive a list of parameters is mandatory. 因此,必须对ExecDB进行更改以接收参数列表。

I suggest to change your ExecDB to something like this 我建议将您的ExecDB更改为这样的内容

public int ExecDB(string query, List<SqlParameter>parameters = null)
     using(SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(connString))
     using(SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, cn))
         if(parameters != null && parameters.Count > 0)
         return cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();

and call it with 并用

List<SqlParameter> ps = new List<SqlParameter>();
SqlParameter p = new SqlParameter("@login", Session["log"].ToString());
dt=g1.ExecDB("insert into tbl (check1,check2,check3) values(" + 
             (check1.Checked ? "1" : "0") + ", " + 
             (check2.Checked ? "1" : "0") + ", " + 
             (check3.Checked ? "1" : "0") + 
             ") where loginname=@login", ps);

the List<SqlParameter> parameter passed to ExecDB is optional, thus, if you have any code where the call to ExecDB doesn't need a parameter collection you could leave your code as is now. 传递给ExecDB的List<SqlParameter>参数是可选的,因此,如果您有任何代码调用ExecDB不需要参数集合,则可以将代码保留为现在。

Let's see: 让我们来看看:

  1. Your C# code sample won't even compile. 您的C#代码示例甚至无法编译。
  2. Your constructing dynamic sql that is susceptible to a SQL injection attack 您构造的容易受到SQL注入攻击的动态sql
  3. Your SQL insert query is syntactically invalid and would throw an error if you got your code to compile. 您的SQL insert查询在语法上无效,如果您要编译代码,则会引发错误。

Assuming that those are corrected, the CLR maps SQL Server's bit datatype to/from bool (aka System.Boolean ). 假定已更正这些错误,CLR会将SQL Server的bit数据类型映射到bool (也称为System.Boolean )。 So... 所以...

Try something like this: 尝试这样的事情:

const string @insertQuery = @"
  insert tbl ( check1 , check2 , check3 )
  select @p1 , @p2 , @p3
  where loginname = @login
  " ;

using ( SqlConnection conn = GetSqlConnection() )
using ( SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand() )

  cmd.CommandText = insertQuery ;
  cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
  cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue( "@p1"    , check1.Checked ) ;
  cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue( "@p2"    , check2.Checked ) ;
  cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue( "@p3"    , check2.Checked ) ;
  cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue( "@login" , (string) Session["log"] ) ;

  int rowsAffected = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() ;
  conn.Close() ;

  bool success ;
  if      ( rowsAffected == 0 ) success = false ;
  else if ( rowsAffected == 1 ) success = true ;
  else throw new InvalidOperationException() ;

  return success ;

Inserting bit value in the database table from the c#: 通过c#在数据库表中插入位值:

Use sql parameter like this: 像这样使用sql参数:

SqlParameter = new SqlParameter("@check1", Convert.ToBoolean(0)) SqlParameter =新的SqlParameter(“ @ check1”,Convert.ToBoolean(0))


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