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Drupal 7安装失败OSX特立独行的MAMP

[英]Drupal 7 install failure OSX mavericks MAMP

I've been getting the dreaded WSOD on just the basic install of Drupal 7.26 using MAMP 2.2 我只是使用MAMP 2.2在Drupal 7.26的基本安装上得到了可怕的WSOD。

I looked at Fatal error: Call to undefined function field_attach_load() in includes/entity.inc on line 321 during install 我查看了致命错误:在安装过程中,在第321行的include / entity.inc中调用了未定义的函数field_attach_load()

And also looked at Blank pages or "white screen of death" (WSOD) 并且还查看了空白页或“死亡白屏”(WSOD)

I wasted several hours trying to find the problem. 我浪费了几个小时试图找到问题所在。 It seems to be related to an issue with PHP 5.5.3 which is the default on MAMP 2.2. 它似乎与PHP 5.5.3的问题有关,这是MAMP 2.2的默认问题。 I went into MAMP preferences, and changed the PHP tab to use PHP 5.2.17. 我进入了MAMP首选项,并更改了PHP选项卡以使用PHP 5.2.17。 I then edited /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.2.17/conf/php.ini to add the settings for max_execution_time = 300 and memory_limit = 256M 然后,我编辑了/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.2.17/conf/php.ini以添加max_execution_time = 300和memory_limit = 256M的设置

I went back to MAMP and restarted the servers. 我回到MAMP并重新启动服务器。 Used a fresh copy of drupal-7.26 and the install finally worked (after adding a fresh new db and user in phpMyAdmin on http://'localhost':8888/MAMP/) 使用了drupal-7.26的新副本,安装最终成功了(在http://'localhost':8888 / MAMP /上的phpMyAdmin中添加了新的新数据库和用户之后)

I still have no idea why PHP 5.5.3 fails miserably 我仍然不知道为什么PHP 5.5.3惨败

I just had this issue with a new system and php 5.6. 我刚刚在新系统和php 5.6中遇到了这个问题。 There is a lot of possible reasons for this problem according to drupal.org, see Link to Drupal.org 根据drupal.org,有很多可能的原因导致此问题,请参阅链接到Drupal.org。

None of suggestion there worked for me. 那里没有任何建议对我有用。

My issue was really simple to solve. 我的问题很容易解决。 sessions did not work at all. 会议根本没有用。 so just check if you see something like "Failed to write session data" in your error logs. 因此,只需检查您的错误日志中是否看到诸如“无法写入会话数据”之类的内容。

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