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[英]Overloading an operator that must return a reference to an object

class LongInt
public: LongInt& operator++(); //returning a reference

LongInt LongInt::operator++()

    LongInt d;


    return d; //returning a reference to an object that will be wiped out because it is out of scope


I am kinda confused here. 我在这里有点困惑。 I apparently have to return by reference to overload the increment operator, but I don't think that's even possible. 我显然必须通过引用返回重载增量运算符,但我认为这甚至不可能。 I get a memory fault, because the object my pointer is pointing to disappears. 我得到一个内存错误,因为我的指针指向的对象消失了。 So how should I overload the ++ operator? 那么我应该如何重载++运算符?


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