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[英]curl not taking my “&” sign in URL

I'm trying to run this code: 我正在尝试运行以下代码:

 curl -O https://openapi.etsy.com/v2/

But it seems to only process: 但这似乎只能处理:

curl -O https://openapi.etsy.com/v2/users

and outputs this: 并输出以下内容:

API request missing api_key or valid OAuth parameters

I've run the actual https url into my browser and it runs fine. 我已经在浏览器中运行了实际的https url,并且运行正常。 I've even run it in a python script. 我什至在python脚本中运行过它。 Any idea why it won't take my api key at the end? 知道为什么它最后不带我的api密钥吗? Is the "&" sign messing something up? 是“&”符号弄乱了东西吗?


curl -O 'https://openapi.etsy.com/v2/users/asdfasdf/profile?fields=blablabla&api_key=fwieahflksfiahrglkdflgkas'

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