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如何从文本框读取日期,具有jQuery UI DatePicker

[英]How to read Date from textBox, having Jquery UI DatePicker

The below Jquery UI Date Picker shows the date in correct format, but reads it wrong. 下面的Jquery UI Date Picker以正确的格式显示日期,但读取错误。


<input type="text" id="date">
<input type="button" id="btn" value="Show"/>

JavaScript: JavaScript:

$('#date').datepicker({dateFormat: 'dd-mm-yy'});
  var _myDate = new Date($('#date').val());

Whats wrong? 怎么了? ( Jsfiddle Here ) 这里Jsfiddle

It shows the date correct, but reads it wrong... 它显示正确的日期,但读错了...

When I use it like this: 当我这样使用它时:

      var _myDate = $('#date').val();

It's ok, but when pass it to Server side using C# as string and then converting it to DateTime it gives me error of Invalid Date when every Day is selected greater than 12 . 可以,但是当使用C#作为字符串将其传递到服务器端,然后将其转换为DateTime时,当每天选择的Day大于12时,它会给我Invalid Date错误。 It treats with Day as a month. Day视为一个月。 And my required format of Date is dd/mm/yyyy . 我所需的日期格式为dd/mm/yyyy

maybe this is your answer 也许这是你的答案

$( "#date" ).datepicker({dateFormat: 'mm-dd-yy'});
    var _myDate = new Date($('#date').val());
    var new_date=_myDate.split('-');
    var month=new_date[0];
    var day=new_date[1];
    var year=new_date[2];
    //you have 3 data, month, day and year.


you can use that 3 variable day, month, year to write your programs 您可以使用这3个可变的日,月,年来编写程序

Change var _myDate = new Date($('#date').val() ); 更改var _myDate = new Date($('#date').val() ); to var _myDate = $('#date').val()); 到var _myDate = $('#date').val());

try like this 这样尝试

$( "#date" ).datepicker({dateFormat: 'mm-dd-yy'});
var _myDate = new Date($('#date').val()  );


You don't need the Date type declaration - you can just do 您不需要Date类型声明-您可以执行

$( "#date" ).datepicker({dateFormat: 'dd-mm-yy'});
  var _myDate = $('#date').val();

Javascript is a dynamically typed language so the Date initialisation is unnecessary Javascript是一种动态类型的语言,因此不需要日期初始化

Try this: it's work fine 试试这个:很好

  $('#date').datepicker({dateFormat: 'dd-mm-yy',  changeMonth:true, changeYear:true,showOn: "both",buttonImage: "",buttonImageOnly: false });


My javaScript function... 我的javaScript函数...

convertDate = function (strDate) {
   var newDate = new Date();
   var oldDate = '';
   if (strDate.contains('/')) {
         oldDate = strDate.split('/');
      } else if (strDate.contains('-')) {
         oldDate = strDate.split('-');
     //OldDate format is dd/mm/yyyy
      newDate.setMonth(oldDate[1] - 1);
      return newDate;

Just parse the textbox value using parseDate with the same format you initially set up the datepicker: 只需使用parseDate解析文本框值,其格式与您最初设置parseDate的格式相同:

console.log($.datepicker.parseDate("dd-mm-yy", $('#date').val()));

parseDate will return a Date object so that you don't need to create it manually. parseDate将返回一个Date对象,因此您无需手动创建它。

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