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[英]Event In GridView, Postback And Databinding Loss

I have a simple gridview in a user control. 我在用户控件中有一个简单的gridview。

This gridview is binding to a List of object type Foo that just has a simple string property: 此gridview绑定到对象类型Foo的列表,该对象类型仅具有简单的字符串属性:

public class Foo
      public string MyProperty {get; set;

To do the databinding, I have the following code. 要进行数据绑定,我有以下代码。 The MyFoos property is the collection I am binding to. MyFoos属性是我绑定到的集合。 I set this property in the page_load of the page hosting the user control. 我在托管用户控件的页面的page_load中设置了此属性。 gridMyFoos is the id of the gridview in question. gridMyFoos是所讨论的gridview的ID。

public List<Foo> MyFoos {get; set;}

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
         if (!Page.IsPostBack)
            if (MyFoos != null)

private void PopulateGrid()
        gridMyFoos.DataSource = MyFoos;

} }

I have Edit and Delete buttons in the gridMyFoos using the regular old way with EditItemTemplate . 我使用EditItemTemplate的常规旧方法在gridMyFoos具有“编辑”和“删除”按钮。

Here is the problem. 这是问题所在。 If I take out the !Page.IsPostBack I see records, however the RowCommand events will not fire. 如果我将!Page.IsPostBack取出,则会看到记录,但是不会触发RowCommand事件。 If I keep it in there, I don't see any records. 如果我将其保留在此处,则看不到任何记录。 What gives? 是什么赋予了?

You can use RowUpdating event: 您可以使用RowUpdating事件:

GridView gv  = ((GridView)sender);
GridViewRow row = gv.Rows[e.RowIndex];

and the RowEditing event put this: 和RowEditing事件将其放置在此位置:

gvName.EditIndex = e.NewEditIndex;

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