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[英]Moq Setup not supplying AsQueryable method

I have the following: 我有以下内容:

        Mock<ISiteRepository> mockSiteRepository = new Mock<ISiteRepository>();

        mockSiteRepository.Setup(m => m.Sites).Returns(new Site[] {
            new Site {
                SiteID = 0,
                DateCreated = DateTime.Now,
                Name = "A",
        }/*There is no AsQueryable ?*/);

Here is my interface wth the implemented thingy: 这是我实现的东西的界面:

public interface ISiteRepository
    IQueryable<Site> Sites { get; }

Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

If I do not put anything at the end of my Site array, it throws compile error: 如果我没有在我的Site数组的末尾放任何东西,它会抛出编译错误:

Error   6   The best overloaded method match for 'Moq.Language.IReturns<James.Domain.Abstract.ISiteRepository,System.Linq.IQueryable<James.Domain.Entities.Site>>.Returns(System.Linq.IQueryable<James.Domain.Entities.Site>)' has some invalid arguments   

You need to have a using for System.Linq; 你需要using System.Linq; .

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