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[英]How to loop through custom posts in Wordpress and display according to page title

Does anyone know how you would display a custom post type according to what post type you are on? 有人知道您将根据自己所处的职位类型显示自定义职位类型吗?

For example if I go to my www.url.com/services/digital page I want to show the digital portfolio or if I go to my www.url.com/services/audio page I want to show the audio portfolio. 例如,如果我转到www.url.com/services/digital页面,我想显示数字资产组合;或者,如果我转到www.url.com/services/audio页面,我想显示音频资产。

Just to clarify I have two post types - 为了澄清我有两种职位类型-

  1. Services 服务
  2. Portfolio 投资组合

The code I have wrote works fine but surely there must be a simpler way to do it as I have six categories I don't want to write out this code six different times on the same page 我编写的代码可以正常工作,但是肯定有一种更简单的方法可以实现,因为我有六个类别,我不想在同一页面上六次写出此代码


        if ( is_single( 'digital' ) ) {

            $the_query = new WP_Query( array( 'post_type' => 'portfolio', 'posts_per_page'=>'3', cat=>'9') );

            while ( $the_query->have_posts() ) : $the_query->the_post();

                echo'<div class="group service_portfolio">';

                    echo'<div class="service_portfolio_left">';

                        echo '<h2 style="color:#52514e; font-size:1.5em; margin-bottom:5%;">'; echo'Client'; echo'</h2>';

                        echo'<p style="color:#757573; margin-bottom:5%;">'; echo the_title(); echo'</p>';

                        echo '<h2 style="color:#52514e; font-size:1.5em; margin-bottom:5%;">'; echo'What we done'; echo'</h2>';

                        echo '<p style="color:#757573; margin-bottom:5%;">'; echo the_field('what_was_done'); echo'</p>';

                        echo'<h2 style="color:#52514e; font-size:1.5em; margin-bottom:5%;">'; echo'See for yourself'; echo'</h2>';

                        echo '<p class"bottom_p">'; echo'<a href="http://'; the_field('portfolio_url'); echo'">'; echo the_field('portfolio_url'); echo' </a>'; echo '</p>';


                echo'<div class="service_portfolio_left" style="text-align:right;">';

                echo the_post_thumbnail();





   <!-- Output print work -->


        if ( is_single( 'print' ) ) {

            $the_query = new WP_Query( array( 'post_type' => 'portfolio', 'posts_per_page'=>'3', cat=>'10') );  

            while ( $the_query->have_posts() ) : $the_query->the_post();

                echo'<div class="group service_portfolio">';

                    echo'<div class="service_portfolio_left">';

                        echo '<h2 style="color:#52514e; font-size:1.5em; margin-bottom:5%;">'; echo'Client'; echo'</h2>';

                        echo'<p style="color:#757573; margin-bottom:5%;">'; echo the_title(); echo'</p>';

                        echo '<h2 style="color:#52514e; font-size:1.5em; margin-bottom:5%;">'; echo'What we done'; echo'</h2>';

                        echo '<p style="color:#757573; margin-bottom:5%;">'; echo the_field('what_was_done'); echo'</p>';

                        echo'<h2 style="color:#52514e; font-size:1.5em; margin-bottom:5%;">'; echo'See for yourself'; echo'</h2>';

                        echo '<p class"bottom_p">'; echo'<a href="http://';  the_field('portfolio_url'); echo'">'; echo the_field('portfolio_url'); echo' </a>'; echo '</p>';


                echo'<div class="service_portfolio_left" style="text-align:right;">';

                echo the_post_thumbnail();





Sounds to me that you want to use a 6x archive templates ( archive-services.php , archive-digital.php etc.) since that is the standard way of presenting CPTs and it removes the need to the conditional and query parts. 在我看来,您想使用6x存档模板( archive-services.phparchive-digital.php等),因为这是呈现CPT的标准方法,它消除了对条件和查询部分的需要。 Then in each one of those you can use a template part the markup within the loop; 然后,在每个模板中 ,您都可以在循环中使用模板部分的标记; this way you can reuse the same markup for all 6x templates easily, using: 这样,您可以使用以下方法轻松地对所有6x模板重用相同的标记:

<?php get_template_part( $slug, $name ); ?> 

Doing it this way gives you some flexibility whilst avoiding all the repetition. 这样做可以为您提供一定的灵活性,同时避免所有重复。 So your 6x archive templates might look like this: 因此,您的6x存档模板可能如下所示:


    if(have_posts()) : while(have_posts()) : the_post();

        get_template_part( 'loop', 'preview' );

    endwhile; endif;


That will load loop-preview.php , which will contain the mark up to go within the loop. 这将加载loop-preview.php ,其中将包含loop-preview.php中的标记。

EDIT: @AndrewBartel's comment made me realised that I was over-thinking this. 编辑: @AndrewBartel的评论使我意识到,我对此考虑过多。 If the 6x categories you mentioned are only being used for your custom post types, then you can create 6x category templates instead ( category-digital.php , category-audio.php etc.) These will display all posts that are within that category. 如果您提到的6x类别用于自定义帖子类型,则可以改为创建6x类别模板( category-digital.phpcategory-audio.php等)。这些模板将显示该类别内的所有帖子。 That will probably be the most straightforward way of handling it; 那可能是处理它的最直接的方法。 the template part bit is still valid. 模板部分位仍然有效。 Check the WP Codex entry for templates for more info. 有关模板的更多信息,请检查WP Codex条目

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