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[英]Document object instead of JSON when calling webservice from Javascript

I am running an Ajax call from javascript to a webservice: 我正在运行从javascript到Web服务的Ajax调用:

 $.ajax(signingURI + "?fileName=" + fileName)
        .done(function (data){

My webservice: 我的网络服务:

 public string PolicyGenerator(string fileName){
       return "{\"res\":\"asdasda\"}" ;

When inspecting the data argument I get a XML document object instead of JSON . 检查数据参数时,我得到一个XML文档对象而不是JSON What I am doing wrong? 我做错了什么?

In the watch expression: 在手表表达式中:

data: document
URL: ""
anchors: HTMLCollection[0]
applets: HTMLCollection[0]
baseURI: null
body: null
characterSet: null
charset: undefined
childNodes: NodeList[1]
compatMode: "CSS1Compat"
constructor: DocumentConstructor
cookie: [Exception: DOMException]
defaultCharset: undefined
defaultView: null

If you want to use HTTP GET, decorate your webservice method with ScriptMethod . 如果要使用HTTP GET,请使用ScriptMethod装饰您的webservice方法。

[ScriptMethod(UseHttpGet = true)]
public string PolicyGenerator(string fileName){
      return "{\"res\":\"asdasda\"}" ;

Also, don't manually construct JSON on either end of your transaction. 另外, 请勿在交易的任何一端手动构造JSON jQuery serializes objects for you. jQuery为您序列化对象。

    data: { fileName: 'test.jpg' }

With GET requests, the data will be serialized onto a query string. 使用GET请求, data将被序列化到查询字符串上。 With POST, it is sent in the request entity body in standard x-www-form-urlencoded style. 使用POST,它将以标准x-www-form-urlencoded样式在请求实体主体中发送。 If you want to send JSON in the POST body, use JSON.stringify . 如果要在POST正文中发送JSON,请使用JSON.stringify

Your server-side function should return a serializable class. 您的服务器端函数应返回一个可序列化的类。 .NET will output proper JSON for you. .NET将为您输出正确的JSON。

[ScriptMethod(UseHttpGet = true)]
public PolicyGeneratorResponse PolicyGenerator(string fileName){
      return new PolicyGeneratorResponse(...);


class PolicyGeneratorResponse {
    public string res;

Try adding a dataType to the request: 尝试将dataType添加到请求中:

$.ajax(signingURI + "?fileName=" + fileName, { dataType: 'json' })
        .done(function (data){

Something is very weird going on. 发生的事情很奇怪。 Seems that the webservice does return JSON, but when I used the .done callback I couldn't read it. 似乎Web服务确实返回JSON,但是当我使用.done回调时,我无法读取它。

         type: "POST",
         url: signingURI,
         data: "{'fileName':'" + encodeURI('test.jpg') + "'}",
         contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
         dataType: "json",
         success: function(msg){

Using the success callback inside the other properties gave me JSON. 在其他属性中使用成功回调给了我JSON。 So weird, or is it?. 好奇怪,还是?

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