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[英]use a matplotlib Figure in PyQt

programming noob here. 在这里编程菜鸟。 I'm trying to use a matplotlib widget in a PyQt4 GUI. 我正在尝试在PyQt4 GUI中使用matplotlib小部件。 The widget is similar to matplotlib's example for qt . 该小部件类似于matplotlib的qt示例

At some point the user needs to click on the plot, which I thought something like ginput() would handle. 在某些时候,用户需要单击该图,我认为类似ginput()的东西可以处理。 However, this doesn't work because the figure doesn't have a manager (see below). 但是,这不起作用,因为该人物没有经理(请参见下文)。 Note that this is very similar to another question but it never got answered. 请注意,这与另一个问题非常相似,但从未得到解答。

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'manager'
Figure.show works only for figures managed by pyplot, normally created by pyplot.figure().

I'm assuming by "normally" there's a way around this. 我假设通过“正常”可以解决此问题。

Another simple script to demonstrate: 另一个简单的脚本演示:

from __future__ import print_function

from matplotlib.figure import Figure
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

x = np.arange(0, 5, 0.1)
y = np.sin(x)
# figure creation by plt (also given a manager, although not explicitly)
coords = plt.ginput() # click on the axes somewhere; this works

# figure creation w/o plt
manualfig = Figure()
manualaxes = manualfig.add_subplot(111)
manualfig.show() # will fail because of no manager, yet shown as a method
manualcoords = manualfig.ginput() # comment out above and this fails too

As popular as pyplot is (I can't hardly find an answer without it), it doesn't seem to play nice when working with a GUI. 像pyplot一样流行(没有它我几乎找不到答案),在使用GUI时,它似乎不能很好地发挥作用。 I thought pyplot was simply a wrapper for the OO framework but I guess I'm just a noob. 我认为pyplot只是OO框架的包装,但我想我只是菜鸟。

My question then is this: Is there some way to attach pyplot to an instance of matplotlib.figure.Figure? 然后我的问题是:是否可以将pyplot附加到matplotlib.figure.Figure的实例? Is there an easy way to attach a manager to a Figure? 有没有简单的方法可以将经理附加到人物上? I found new_figure_manager() in matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg, but couldn't get it to work, even if it is the right solution. 我在matplotlib.backends.backend_qt4agg中找到了new_figure_manager(),但即使它是正确的解决方案,也无法使它正常工作。

Many thanks, 非常感谢,

James 詹姆士

pyplot is just a wrapper for the OO interface, but it does a lot of work for you read the example you link to again carefully, the pyplot只是OO接口的包装器,但是当您仔细阅读链接到的示例时,它做了很多工作,

FigureCanvas.__init__(self, fig)

line is very important as that is what tells the figure what canvas to use. 线条非常重要,因为这就是告诉图形要使用哪种画布的原因。 The Figure object is just a collection of Axes objects (and a few Text objects), the canvas object is what knows how to turn Artist objects (ie matplotlib's internal representation of lines, text, points, etc) in to pretty colors. Figure对象只是Axes对象(和一些Text对象)的集合, canvas对象是知道如何将Artist对象(即matplotlib的线条,文本,点等的内部表示)转换为漂亮颜色的对象。 Also see something I wrote for another embedding example which does not sub-class FigureCanvas . 另请参阅为另一个嵌入示例编写的内容 ,该示例未将FigureCanvas子类FigureCanvas

There is a PR to make this process easier, but it is stalled while we get 1.4 out the door. 有一个PR使这个过程更容易,但是当我们得到1.4时它就停滞了。

also see: Which is the recommended way to plot: matplotlib or pylab? 另请参见: 推荐的哪种绘制方式:matplotlib或pylab? , How can I attach a pyplot function to a figure instance? 如何将pyplot函数附加到图形实例?

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