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[英]Missing span element

I have a problem with a span element in IE (currently tested against IE9 and IE10). 我在IE中有一个span元素有问题(目前已针对IE9和IE10进行了测试)。 When I open F12 Developer Tools and select that span element I can't find it on screen. 当我打开F12开发人员工具并选择该span元素时,在屏幕上找不到它。 However, if I manually assign a background-color other than transparent or inherit it is shown at its expected place. 但是,如果我手动分配transparentinherit以外的background-color ,则会在其预期位置显示它。

The problem is, that the span element is used as alignment element for a popup, but since the element is missing, the popup is incorrectly aligned. 问题在于, span元素用作弹出框的对齐元素 ,但是由于缺少该元素,因此弹出框未正确对齐。

I wasn't able to observe that behavior in jsfiddle , yet. 我还没有在jsfiddle中观察到这种行为。 And also can't test it in other browsers. 并且也无法在其他浏览器中对其进行测试。

Here is how the significant markup looks like: 重要标记如下所示:

<div id="div1">
    <div id="div2">
            <input id="in" value="Somename"></input>
            <label for="in">Person surname:</label>

And the corresponding CSS like shown in the developer tools (except for the background-color attributes): 以及相应的CSS(如开发人员工具中所示)( background-color属性除外):

#div1 {
    background-color: grey;

    cursor: auto;
    font-family: Thoma, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-size: 11px;
    font-weight: normal;
    text-align: left;
    color: #000000;
    bottom: 0px;
    height: auto;
    left: 0px;
    position: absolute;
    right: 0px;
    top: 0px;
    width: auto;
#div2 {
    background-color: blue;

    cursor: auto;
    font-family: Thoma, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-size: 11px;
    font-weight: normal;
    text-align: left;
    color: #000000;
span {
    /* background-color: red; */

    font-family: Thoma, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-size: 11px;
    font-weight: normal;
    text-align: left;
    color: #000000;
    margin-left: 0px;
    margin-right: 0px;
    box-sizing: border-box;
    width: 100%;
input {
    /*background-color: transparent;*/

    color: #000000;
    padding: 1px 2px 1px 3px;
    font-family: Thoma, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-size: 11px;
    font-weight: normal;
    margin: 1px;
    border: 1px solid #b9b9b4;
    overflow-x: hidden;
    overflow-y: auto;
    width: 90%; 
label {
    cursor: auto;
    font-family: Thoma, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-weight: normal;
    text-align: left;
    color: #000000;
    left: 0px;
    top: -99999px;
    font-size: 0px;
    position: absolute;

Any ideas, why the span tag could be missing? 有什么想法,为什么span标签会丢失?

Maybe I should clarify, I'am not so much interested in a solution (since I already found one), but in an explanation why I observe this different behavior. 也许我应该澄清一下,我对解决方案并不是很感兴趣(因为我已经找到了一种解决方案),而是在解释为什么我观察到这种不同的行为。 Both for IE vs Jsfiddle and with vs without background-color. 不论是IE vs Jsfiddle以及有vs没有背景色。

I am not responsible for the HTML markup, and can't change that. 我对HTML标记概不负责,也无法更改。 I have only limited access to change the CSS. 我只有有限的权限来更改CSS。

Add " display: block; " to the span element css. 在span元素css中添加“ display:block; ”。

The span element default display property is inline and with this you can't set width, height, margin or padding properties. span元素的默认显示属性是内联因此无法设置width,height,margin或padding属性。 So the span element is not missing but have a 0px width and the height of the line-height of font property. 因此,不缺少span元素,但其宽度为0px,字体属性的行高为高度。

Regards! 问候!

Either use display:block or float:left Tested on IE9-10 使用display:blockfloat:left 在IE9-10上测试

Also note that: use div instead, span tag is not designed to use like this and not a problem to create another #div3 unless you have something specific. 还要注意:使用div代替,span标记不是设计成这样使用,除非您有特定要求,否则创建另一个#div3并不是问题。

span {
        background-color: red;
        display:block; /* float:left; */
        font-family: Thoma, Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;
        font-size: 11px;
        font-weight: normal;
        text-align: left;
        color: #000000;
        margin-left: 0px;
        margin-right: 0px;
        box-sizing: border-box;
        width: 100%;

Definition and Usage The <span> tag is used to group inline-elements in a document. 定义和用法 <span>标记用于对文档中的行inline-elements进行分组。

The <span> tag provides no visual change by itself. <span>标记本身不提供视觉更改。

The <span> tag provides a way to add a hook to a part of a text or a part of a document. <span>标记提供了一种将钩子添加到文本的一部分或文档的一部分的方法。

more about span 有关跨度的更多信息

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