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如何将信息从Android应用程序传输到Ni myRio嵌入式硬件设备

[英]How can I transfer information from an Android app to a Ni myRio embedded hardware device

I am trying to transfer instructions from an Android app to a Ni myRio embedded hardware device. 我正在尝试将指令从Android应用程序传输到Ni myRio嵌入式硬件设备。 I can't seem to find any documentation. 我似乎找不到任何文档。

Try starting with this: 尝试从此开始:

Android 安卓系统

  • Run your Android application in the IDE's built-in Android Mobile Device Emulator. 在IDE的内置Android移动设备仿真器中运行您的Android应用程序。

    Have it stream 'Hello World' via UDP to some port on localhost (say, 1234) 通过UDP将“ Hello World”流传输到本地主机上的某个端口(例如1234)


  • Run your RIO application against the LabVIEW FPGA Emulator (right-click your FPGA target in project explorer and select 'run on -> emulator') 针对LabVIEW FPGA仿真器运行RIO应用程序(在项目浏览器中右键单击您的FPGA目标,然后选择“在->仿真器上运行”)

    Have it listen to 1234 on localhost, and print the output to a simple String Buffer that displays on the VI's front panel*1 让它在本地主机上监听1234,并将输出打印到VI的前面板上显示的简单字符串缓冲区* 1

Both of these have readily searchable tutorials*2, and remove HW from the equation, so you should be able to complete them successfully, and then iterate past to a final solution (WiFi?). 两者都有易于搜索的教程* 2,并且从等式中删除了硬件,因此您应该能够成功完成它们,然后遍历最终的解决方案(WiFi?)。 If you get it working on real HW, consider posting a (brief) followup-answer to your question here. 如果您可以在真正的硬件上运行它,请考虑在此处发布问题的(简要)后续解答。

-Justin -贾斯汀

*1: Don't do this front-panel debug-hack in the deployed fpga code! * 1:请勿在已部署的fpga代码中进行此前面板调试操作!

*2: Check NI's Example Finder for the LabVIEW FPGA UDP tutorials. * 2:查看NI的范例查找器以获取LabVIEW FPGA UDP教程。


声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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