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向 Node.JS 中的 HTTP POST 请求添加参数

[英]Add parameters to HTTP POST request in Node.JS

I've known the way to send a simple HTTP request using Node.js as the following:我知道使用 Node.js 发送简单 HTTP 请求的方法如下:

var http = require('http');

var options = {
  host: 'example.com',
  port: 80,
  path: '/foo.html'

http.get(options, function(resp){
  resp.on('data', function(chunk){
    //do something with chunk
}).on("error", function(e){
  console.log("Got error: " + e.message);

I want to know how to embed parameters in the body of POST request and how to capture them from the receiver module.我想知道如何在POST请求的正文中嵌入参数以及如何从接收器模块中捕获它们。

Would you mind using the request library . 您介意使用请求库吗? Sending a post request becomes as simple as 发送帖子请求变得如此简单

var options = {
url: 'https://someurl.com',
'method': 'POST',
 'body': {"key":"val"} 


   //do what you want with this callback functon

The request library also has a shortcut for post in request.post method in which you pass the url to make a post request to along with the data to send to that url. 请求库在request.post方法中也有一个用于发布的快捷方式,您可以在其中传递URL来进行发布请求,并发送数据到该URL。

Edit based on comment 根据评论进行编辑

To "capture" a post request it would be best if you used some kind of framework. 要“捕获”发布请求,最好使用某种框架。 Since express is the most popular one I will give an example of express. 由于快递是最受欢迎的快递,我将举例说明快递。 In case you are not familiar with express I suggest reading a getting started guide by the author himself. 如果您不熟悉Express,建议您阅读作者本人的入门指南

All you need to do is create a post route and the callback function will contain the data that is posted to that url 您需要做的就是创建一个发布路由,回调函数将包含发布到该URL的数据。

//req.body contains the post data that you posted to the url 

If you want to use the native http module, parameters can be included in body this way:如果你想使用原生的http模块,参数可以这样包含在 body 中:

var http = require('follow-redirects').http;
var fs = require('fs');

var options = {
  'method': 'POST',
  'hostname': 'example.com',
  'path': '/foo.html',
  'headers': {
  'maxRedirects': 20

var req = http.request(options, function (res) {
  var chunks = [];

  res.on("data", function (chunk) {

  res.on("end", function (chunk) {
    var body = Buffer.concat(chunks);

  res.on("error", function (error) {

var postData = "------WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"examplekey\"\r\n\r\nexamplevalue\r\n------WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW--";
req.setHeader('content-type', 'multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW');

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