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[英]Populating data from JSON for drop downs

I am receiving JSON from the server which looks like 我正在从看起来像这样的服务器接收JSON

    "accountType": ["Full","Trial"],
    "states": [

In the Backbone file I'm doing: 在骨干文件中,我正在做:

define([ 'backbone', 'underscore', 'vent', ], function (Backbone, _, vent) {
    'use strict';

    return Backbone.Model.extend({

        url: {},

        loaded: false,

        defaults: {
            accountType: [],
            states: [],
            dates: [],

        initialize: function () {
            this.on('change', this.change);
            var that = this;

            $.getJSON("webapp/jsondata", function (data) {
                    states: data.states.state,

            $.getJSON("webapp/jsondata", function (data) {
                    dates: data.dates.dateDescription,

            $.getJSON("webapp/jsondata", function (data) {
                    accountType: data.accountType,

So each $.getJSON should get the relevant data and populate the backbone model defaults. 因此,每个$.getJSON应该获取相关数据并填充主干模型默认值。

Except at the moment only the account type works. 除非目前只有account类型有效。 I don't understand why this would work and the others wouldn't as it's the same code. 我不明白为什么这样行得通,而其他人则行不通,因为这是同一代码。 The only difference is in the JSON data, accountType has 2 pieces of data. 唯一的区别在于JSON数据, accountType有2条数据。 States has 3 and I only want to return one piece of this ( state ). States有3个,我只想返回其中一个( state )。

So I guess my issue is in specifying the data being retrieved in the $.getJSON code but many hours online have not revealed an answer. 所以我想我的问题是在$.getJSON代码中指定要检索的数据,但是很多小时在线都没有给出答案。

Your states and dates keys in your data are arrays, but you try to access them as hashes. 数据中的states键和dates键是数组,但是您尝试将它们作为哈希值进行访问。 If you want to extract the state keys from your states array, you can use _.pluck : 如果要从状态数组中提取状态键,可以使用_.pluck

$.getJSON("webapp/jsondata", function (data) {
        states: _.pluck(data.states, 'state')

With the data given, _.pluck(data.states, 'state') will give you ["AL", "AK"] 有了给定的数据, _.pluck(data.states, 'state')将给您["AL", "AK"]

Not that, as written, your model could be greatly simplified by using model.fetch with model.parse . 并非如所写,通过将model.fetchmodel.parse一起使用,可以大大简化您的模型。 For example : 例如 :

return Backbone.Model.extend({
    url: "webapp/jsondata",
    loaded: false,
    defaults: function () {
        return {
            accountType: [],
            states: [],
            dates: [],

    parse: function (data) {
        return {
            accountType: data.accountType,
            states: _.pluck(data.states, 'state'),
            dates: _.pluck(data.dates, 'dateDescription')

    initialize: function () {
        this.on('change', this.change);

And beware using arrays in a defaults hash, use a function instead. 当心在defaults哈希中使用数组,请改用函数。

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