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[英]Multiplying lists and list of lists in Prolog

I'm currently working on a Prolog program and having a lot of trouble figuring out how to implement it. 我目前正在开发Prolog程序,在弄清楚如何实现它方面遇到很多麻烦。

I want to put a list such as [1,2,2,1] into a function. 我想将诸如[1,2,2,1]之类的列表放入函数中。 I want it to multiply into itself to make a new matrix by doing this example. 我希望通过执行此示例将其乘以创建一个新矩阵。

1 * [1,2,2,1] which would yield [1,2,2,1]
2 * [1,2,2,1] which would yield [2,4,4,2]
2 * [1,2,2,1] which would yield [2,4,4,2]
1 * [1,2,2,1] which would yield [1,2,2,1]

And I want it to create all those together in a matrix like: 我希望它可以在矩阵中一起创建所有这些元素,例如:


Last part would be I want to zero out when I multiply by itself. 最后一部分是我想自己乘以零。 So the 2nd spot would zero out the second spot making the final matrix: 因此,第二个点会将第二个点归零,形成最终矩阵:


I want to have a predicate that calls another which makes each list. 我希望有一个谓词,该谓词调用另一个使每个列表都位于其中的谓词。 So heres my thoughts: 所以这就是我的想法:


second([A|As],B,[O|Os]):- %creates the list of lists.

    third(A,Bs,Os). %multiplies single digit by list.
fourth(A,B,0):- A == B.
fourth(A,B,O):- O is A * B.

I am getting the correct matrix but can not get the zero diagonal. 我得到正确的矩阵,但不能得到零对角线。

I just cant figure out a correct way to get the matrix with zeros down the diagonal. 我只是想不出一种正确的方法来获取对角线为零的矩阵。 Any thoughts? 有什么想法吗?

You can do the zeroes by introducing indices that indicate row and column you are at and check for a match: 您可以通过引入指示您所在行和列的索引并检查匹配项来实现零:

main(A, O) :-
    second(A, A, 0, O).

second([], _, _, []).
second([A|As], B, R, [O|Os]) :- %creates the list of lists.
    third(A, B, 0, R, O),
    R1 is R + 1,
    second(As, B, R1, Os).

third(_, [], _, _, []).
third(A, [B|Bs], C, R, [O|Os]) :-
    fourth(A, B, C, R, O),
    C1 is C + 1,
    third(A, Bs, C1, R, Os). %multiplies single digit by list.

fourth(_, _, X, X, 0).
fourth(A, B, C, R, O) :- C \== R, O is A * B.

Check: 校验:

| ?-  main([1,2,2,1], L).

L = [[0,2,2,1],[2,0,4,2],[2,4,0,2],[1,2,2,0]] ? ;


Another interesting approach would be to create a maplist_with_index predicate which works just like maplist but manages an index and implicitly assumes the given predicate accepts the index as its first argument: 另一个有趣的方法是创建一个maplist_with_index断言其作品就像maplist但管理的指标,隐含地假设给定的谓词接受指数作为其第一个参数:

maplist_with_index(Pred, L, M) :-
    maplist_with_index_(Pred, 0, L, M).
maplist_with_index_(Pred, I, [H|T], [M|Ms]) :-
    Pred =.. [P|Pt],
    append([P,I|Pt], [H], NewPred),
    Call =.. NewPred,
    call(Call, M),
    I1 is I + 1,
    maplist_with_index_(Pred, I1, T, Ms).
maplist_with_index_(_, _, [], []).

Then, the matrix program, using this predicate, looks like: 然后,使用该谓词的矩阵程序如下所示:

main(A, O) :-
    second(A, A, O).

second(M, A, O) :-
    maplist_with_index(third(A), M, O).

third(R, A, E, O) :-
    maplist_with_index(fourth(R, E), A, O).

fourth(X, X, _, _, 0).
fourth(C, R, A, B, O) :- C \== R, O is A * B.

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